Why the clearing stays permanent in obstacle costmap, when 0 (overwrite) combination method is applied? | 1 | False | Andrei Pasnicenco | 2018-05-31 11:18:33 | 2018-06-26 10:56:50
costmap_2d::VoxelLayer not clearing | 1 | False | Federico | 2014-11-18 14:05:48 | 2014-11-20 16:43:12
unable to clear obstaces in the costmap | 1 | False | Naman | 2015-05-12 18:23:45 | 2015-05-12 22:06:15
costmap_2d clear obstacles after every update | 2 | False | Ishani Chatterjee | 2015-07-15 21:16:40 | 2015-07-16 15:35:01
Obstacles in sensor deadzone | 1 | False | Chris91 | 2020-06-17 23:44:20 | 2020-06-18 14:58:42
Costmap2D "forget" obstacles after some time | 1 | False | logan.dunbar | 2019-04-24 01:52:06 | 2019-09-27 10:10:32
costmap not cleared after executing all recovery behaviors | 3 | False | tobi93 | 2016-04-21 16:01:55 | 2018-02-25 19:18:01