Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Recommended ways to improve 3D localization? | 0 | False | MrOCW | 2022-09-03 03:38:19 | 2022-09-03 04:24:08 |
Hector mapping can't output the transform from map to odom gazebo | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-06-22 07:14:01 | 2017-06-26 00:52:38 |
Turtlebot Basic Gazebo example not working on Kinetic | 0 | False | cpa | 2017-06-23 14:38:37 | 2017-06-24 12:53:30 |
Hector SLAM - laser_z_max_value Parameter | 0 | False | ermanas | 2019-12-23 10:29:13 | 2019-12-23 10:29:35 |
slam_toolbox incomplete mapping | 0 | False | nigeno | 2022-03-24 19:13:26 | 2022-03-24 19:20:43 |
what does this function in hector mapping mean? | 0 | False | scopus | 2017-07-29 02:28:47 | 2017-07-29 05:25:14 |
I cant get a map from Hector_Slam with stage | 0 | False | msturnage | 2014-03-07 02:44:06 | 2014-03-07 02:44:06 |
zed_wrapper node Segmentation fault(core dumped) | 0 | False | wngywo12 | 2017-08-10 06:21:44 | 2017-08-15 18:38:23 |
Field mapping and navigation with Arduino | 0 | False | dreams | 2022-05-05 17:09:48 | 2022-05-05 17:09:48 |
hector mapping before rplidar node? | 0 | False | gerard | 2017-08-21 17:22:37 | 2017-08-21 21:06:36 |
i m new to c++ and ros and want to build my own mapping algorithm using laser scan and scan matching | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-09-02 16:34:39 | 2017-09-02 16:34:39 |
how to change the transform according to a transform tree | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 |
asset writer on google cartographer with xtion, rplidar, turtlebot | 0 | False | JunJun | 2017-11-21 08:39:39 | 2017-11-21 08:47:38 |
Wifi Mapping over 2D SLAM | 0 | False | nz.stephenl | 2017-11-21 20:48:51 | 2017-11-21 20:48:51 |
SLAM Gmapping map building | 0 | False | 2017-12-02 12:05:17 | 2017-12-02 12:05:17 | |
not getting map in gmapping transform from odom to base_link problem | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-12-09 17:08:05 | 2017-12-10 11:16:23 |
My robot base link in rviz not in correct orientation with hector slam | 0 | False | kyubot | 2019-07-24 09:37:37 | 2019-07-24 09:43:56 |
Problem with saving map created in Rviz | 0 | False | mah_tala | 2022-11-23 18:32:57 | 2022-11-23 18:32:57 |
map does not show up on RVIZ while using hector_slam | 0 | False | Mohammedism | 2018-01-22 19:30:43 | 2018-01-22 19:32:04 |
Error in hector simple exploration | 0 | False | Samir | 2014-04-08 11:07:55 | 2014-04-08 11:07:55 |
Issues with Mapping SUMMIT HL | 0 | False | daniel.arguello | 2023-03-07 09:20:08 | 2023-03-07 09:20:08 |
Turtlebot3 vs Turtlebot3 + Kinect: good vs bad navigation | 0 | False | Giuseppe_ | 2021-02-12 16:06:09 | 2021-02-12 16:06:09 |
RTABMap: Map messes up after a particular amount of time | 0 | False | electrophod | 2022-06-14 13:01:36 | 2022-06-14 13:02:04 |
Lidar localization on web like rviz | 0 | False | nadiah | 2019-08-28 08:55:03 | 2019-08-28 08:55:03 |
Issues with hector_mapping using lidar lite v3 on servo | 0 | False | roboguy | 2018-04-22 19:32:54 | 2018-04-22 19:32:54 |
Inconsistent launch and mapping in RViz with Kinect | 0 | False | etorobot | 2019-05-26 16:08:35 | 2019-05-26 16:08:35 |
Unable to generate a map using hector slam and gmapping in | 0 | False | Nikhilesh | 2018-07-03 09:12:57 | 2018-07-03 09:12:57 |
Gmapping Tutorial Issue | 0 | False | pnambiar | 2014-05-19 07:40:41 | 2014-05-19 07:40:41 |
How to add all obstacles while mapping? | 0 | False | zuy | 2022-01-11 08:32:09 | 2022-01-11 08:32:09 |
Failed to install Google Cartographer | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2018-08-14 11:43:44 | 2018-08-14 12:18:29 |
error while trying to install ifm3d camera | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2018-08-20 11:53:07 | 2018-08-20 11:55:16 |
Pepper base_link is located in his torso | 0 | False | tomkimsour | 2021-05-18 10:47:57 | 2021-05-18 10:47:57 |
Costmaps resizing twice after map switching | 0 | False | opo | 2018-11-08 21:25:35 | 2018-11-08 21:30:48 |
Using Forward Looking and Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar for mapping and localization underwater ? | 0 | False | Lucas Marins | 2018-12-06 13:25:27 | 2018-12-06 18:26:10 |
hector quadrotor camera change | 0 | False | jpaladin | 2018-12-26 18:18:56 | 2018-12-26 18:18:56 |
robot_pose_ekf and localization in the known map | 0 | False | Astronaut | 2012-12-03 06:26:04 | 2012-12-03 06:26:04 |
A step towards mapped based navigation, how? | 0 | False | Hypomania | 2019-02-06 15:28:35 | 2019-02-06 15:29:15 |
ROS: Google-cartographer / Mapping | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2018-08-06 14:45:27 | 2018-08-06 14:45:27 |
how build map using 360 xbox kinect | 0 | False | t_310 | 2019-03-07 11:56:32 | 2019-03-07 11:56:32 |
Google Cartographer Map Closure Detection | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2021-06-22 17:24:21 | 2021-06-22 17:24:21 |
How to generate border for cones in this simulation | 0 | False | Krush | 2021-01-13 14:39:03 | 2021-01-13 14:39:03 |
Color detection on the map | 0 | False | scythze | 2019-05-03 17:09:25 | 2019-05-03 17:09:25 |
ethzasl_icp_mapper doesn't publish data | 0 | False | INSA | 2013-05-21 11:38:13 | 2013-05-23 07:37:57 |
Google Cartographer tuning | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-07-16 08:51:58 | 2019-07-16 08:51:58 |
Problem with hector_slam | 0 | False | Morpheus | 2014-11-23 13:29:06 | 2014-12-08 21:28:30 |
hector slam+gmapping+odometry problem. | 0 | False | kyubot | 2019-07-26 16:41:07 | 2019-07-26 16:41:07 |
How to make just localization ? | 0 | False | alprncinar | 2019-07-27 13:23:44 | 2019-07-27 13:23:44 |
curved map with gmapping | 0 | False | v01d | 2014-12-19 17:45:12 | 2014-12-19 17:45:12 |
Google Cartographer providing map frame with 180o rotation about x axis | 0 | False | marpeja | 2022-08-04 14:52:33 | 2022-08-04 14:52:33 |
mobile robot full area coverage packages? | 0 | False | Murat | 2019-10-09 10:35:06 | 2019-10-09 10:55:07 |
Simple PointCloud Mapping Algorithm (PointCloud / Odom given) | 0 | False | TobiMiller | 2019-10-24 09:28:07 | 2019-10-24 09:28:07 |
Transform Configuration Step | 0 | False | nouf | 2015-03-27 17:35:51 | 2015-03-27 17:35:51 |
Running Rviz and Gazebo in rqt_gui | 0 | False | FuerteNewbie | 2013-11-11 21:44:26 | 2013-11-11 21:44:26 |
How do I add the robot footprint area to the map? | 0 | False | Murat | 2019-11-26 14:44:28 | 2019-11-26 14:44:28 |
no laser nor map recieved in remote computer | 0 | False | Horse-man | 2015-05-14 17:20:29 | 2015-05-14 17:20:29 |
Failed to process package 'robot_pose_ekf' | 0 | False | psprox96 | 2015-06-22 03:52:33 | 2015-06-22 03:52:33 |
RTABMap Collaborative SLAM / Parallel sessions | 0 | False | Tanmay | 2015-07-26 20:49:44 | 2015-07-26 20:52:00 |
SLAM with LIDAR | 0 | False | casper911ca | 2015-08-05 00:12:20 | 2015-08-05 00:12:20 |
Give the occupancy grid of the work area | 0 | False | vamshirosmaster | 2021-09-09 14:10:10 | 2021-09-09 14:25:31 |
Prevent broken/overlapping maps w/ hector_slam & Hokuyo UTM-30LX? | 0 | False | dchang0 | 2016-01-17 10:04:29 | 2016-02-14 17:35:27 |
RVIZ map w Kinect via freenect drivers "No map received" | 0 | False | jacksonkr_ | 2016-02-24 03:40:27 | 2016-02-24 03:40:27 |
parameters doesn't show up on dynamic_reconfigure and rqt_reconfigure | 0 | False | ermanas | 2020-08-10 11:10:41 | 2020-08-10 11:10:41 |
Needed to update map_server publish continuously | 0 | False | Avonic | 2016-03-05 16:36:54 | 2016-03-05 16:36:54 |
MobileSim LaserScan for mapping | 0 | False | pkohout | 2013-11-08 10:24:28 | 2013-11-08 10:24:28 |
Occupancy grid map dataset [?] | 0 | False | mirella melo | 2020-09-25 15:40:12 | 2020-09-25 15:40:12 |
Octomap lidar position requirements | 0 | False | Gherkins | 2020-10-16 21:45:54 | 2020-10-16 21:45:54 |
Ros indigo + RPLIDAR 360 + Hector SLAM | 0 | False | Mondiegus | 2016-05-02 15:19:52 | 2016-05-02 15:20:48 |
I'd like to map some sensor values, what should I use? | 0 | False | Ellison | 2016-05-05 12:26:39 | 2016-05-05 12:26:39 |
control custom robot with kinect sensor | 0 | False | VEGETA | 2016-05-18 05:28:16 | 2016-05-18 05:28:16 |
RPLIDAR+hector slam+laser pipeline | 0 | False | Mondiegus | 2016-05-25 22:30:22 | 2016-05-26 00:52:51 |
how to get a non-ROS robot's position in a known map stored in a ROS master server? | 0 | False | VEGETA | 2016-05-26 15:12:37 | 2016-05-26 15:12:37 |
point cloud object tracking | 0 | False | VEGETA | 2016-05-31 05:53:09 | 2016-05-31 05:53:09 |
does hector_slam itself include or use any kind of filter? | 0 | False | bsk | 2016-06-02 06:57:21 | 2016-06-02 06:57:21 |
slam_gmapping - Mapping From Logged Data Tutorial | 0 | False | bsk | 2016-06-10 08:55:39 | 2016-06-10 09:48:27 |
drift in hector_slam? | 0 | False | bsk | 2016-06-23 12:52:29 | 2016-06-28 12:02:55 |
Kinect+ROS | 0 | False | sigmaduarte | 2013-12-10 10:34:39 | 2013-12-10 10:34:39 |
Problem with creating map with Robotino and without laser scan | 0 | False | rasoo | 2016-08-12 15:47:44 | 2016-08-16 15:01:50 |
problem with hector mapping, map not building | 0 | False | gleb | 2016-08-26 12:52:16 | 2016-08-30 09:38:56 |
robot model is not moving in rviz, even though it is moving in gazebo | 0 | False | gleb | 2016-09-05 16:29:02 | 2016-09-05 16:29:02 |
Rosbag record with decay time | 0 | False | arjunmenon03 | 2016-10-19 17:48:09 | 2016-10-19 17:48:09 |
not getting a map in rviz2 when using slam_toolbox's online async launch with ros2 eloquent on jetson nano and lidar A1 | 0 | False | kalata | 2023-02-14 10:29:09 | 2023-02-14 10:32:37 |
Localizing and mapping with only tf,GPS, and scan | 0 | False | orsonl | 2016-11-14 12:13:41 | 2016-11-14 13:00:37 |
A problem about the conversion from Euler angle to quaternion | 0 | False | scopus | 2016-11-29 23:30:09 | 2016-12-04 14:04:07 |
How to change the origin of the /map frame before mapping ? | 0 | False | charvi | 2021-07-01 12:31:30 | 2021-07-01 12:31:30 |
Hector SLAM Mapping Pointcloud | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-23 17:44:29 | 2017-02-23 18:02:31 |
Custom GUI Support for Maps | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2018-10-03 11:34:57 | 2018-10-03 11:34:57 |
gazebo map on opencv | 0 | False | slm | 2020-11-26 12:26:02 | 2020-11-26 12:30:27 |
Hector Mapping z parameter | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-03-07 17:30:34 | 2017-03-07 17:30:34 |
How can I integrate a Existing floor plan with hectorSLAM? | 0 | False | Vanessa | 2017-03-13 12:22:57 | 2017-03-13 12:22:57 |
hector_slam with LIDAR not updating map in RVIZ | 0 | False | FomTarro | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 |
Slam Toolbox marks humans to map | 0 | False | jannkar | 2021-11-05 09:57:01 | 2021-11-05 09:57:01 |
How can I create a map using IMU data directly in the hector slam? | 0 | False | naz | 2023-04-19 22:31:57 | 2023-04-19 22:31:57 |
How to generate 2D map using kinect? | 0 | False | Moon | 2017-05-06 10:16:24 | 2017-05-06 10:16:24 |
How to generate /map topic? | 0 | False | goateehige | 2019-07-03 03:10:28 | 2019-07-03 03:10:28 |
Google Cartographer closed loop detection & map completion | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2017-05-09 10:34:26 | 2017-05-09 10:34:26 |
Could not find a connection between 'map' and 'base_link' with laser. | 0 | False | dehou14 | 2017-05-11 04:51:33 | 2017-05-11 04:51:33 |
Getting only first scan while mapping using Slam_toolbox | 0 | False | charvi | 2020-05-08 06:17:14 | 2020-05-08 06:31:03 |
osm_cartography error | 0 | False | gurselturkeri | 2022-07-06 13:29:50 | 2022-07-06 13:29:50 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
How to do GMapping and SLAM Navigation using RPLIDAR A2 and Kobuki? | 1 | False | Ayan 2016 | 2017-06-02 19:33:33 | 2019-03-26 04:26:02 |
I am making a mapping system for a minesweeper Robot | 1 | False | Yousef Hannora | 2022-02-19 10:20:29 | 2022-02-19 10:34:07 |
How to build a topological map based on grid map | 1 | False | Zhao Cheng | 2014-02-28 21:09:46 | 2014-03-01 08:21:32 |
Using GPS in RVIZ | 1 | False | ghaith | 2017-07-11 10:17:13 | 2017-07-13 07:46:04 |
creating a map from laser scan | 1 | False | peyman1372 | 2022-04-18 12:23:54 | 2022-04-24 23:11:20 |
Slam mapping with Rviz, realsense and a turtlebot | 1 | False | cylrax | 2017-09-07 05:53:13 | 2018-07-15 07:18:57 |
Limit scan angle of RPLidar A1 | 1 | False | Hamad | 2017-09-19 00:49:57 | 2017-09-22 13:43:07 |
costmap mapping the map without noise | 1 | False | physicsex | 2014-03-19 22:46:01 | 2014-03-25 02:45:05 |
Need Help to design an autonomous robot | 1 | False | Hassam | 2017-11-20 16:15:46 | 2017-11-21 12:51:48 |
I cant start the RTABMAP_ROS - freenect problem | 2 | False | mustafamertunali | 2018-01-31 16:53:29 | 2018-02-06 17:09:45 |
Is there any way of creating the map and also navigating the environment together i.e. continuously? | 1 | False | hasnain | 2018-03-13 17:52:37 | 2018-03-13 22:35:31 |
Choosing which slam to use | 1 | False | Mrugi | 2023-07-18 13:47:41 | 2023-07-22 15:34:44 |
Robot running with gmapping can't achive given goal | 1 | False | zsbhaha | 2014-04-25 06:23:54 | 2014-04-28 01:54:46 |
octomap pointcloud accumulation problem | 2 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-04-26 13:42:57 | 2018-05-07 21:00:36 |
Is there a way to transfer jpg pictures into occupied grid map? | 1 | False | jlyw1017 | 2018-06-08 13:06:40 | 2020-04-16 04:14:37 |
Turtlebot3 ROS bringup erro | 1 | False | Eamon | 2018-06-14 20:21:30 | 2018-06-14 21:37:04 |
How use the octomap with a real map (Mapping reality) in Rviz | 1 | False | babe1031 | 2018-06-21 00:12:59 | 2018-06-22 10:36:15 |
Gmapping doesn't mark free spaces | 2 | False | hosein | 2018-05-03 02:07:45 | 2020-04-07 14:08:22 |
Hector_Slam mapping Hokuyo | 1 | False | Tirgo | 2012-08-31 08:07:02 | 2012-08-31 08:25:38 |
Occupancy grid creation | 1 | False | dottant | 2022-05-16 10:21:21 | 2022-05-17 09:56:03 |
Best mapping technique to use with LiDAR distance sensor , camera and IMU data? | 1 | False | sigupta | 2018-11-01 16:08:36 | 2021-02-23 13:11:26 |
geotiff trajectory | 1 | False | TintinQuarantino | 2018-11-07 05:42:11 | 2018-11-08 09:08:07 |
move_base pointcloud data format | 1 | False | Wezzoid | 2018-12-21 17:37:27 | 2018-12-24 09:43:32 |
Suggestions on Mapping and Navigation | 1 | False | Kostas Tziab | 2022-10-07 10:50:15 | 2022-10-07 18:19:29 |
Help with Localization Algorithm | 1 | False | lovelife | 2018-12-27 17:52:54 | 2019-01-03 13:53:53 |
hector_mapping does not works | 1 | False | Astronaut | 2012-11-29 22:48:31 | 2012-11-30 02:03:25 |
mapping and navigation packages for humble | 2 | False | r_gerson | 2022-05-28 14:36:58 | 2022-05-30 09:52:10 |
Geo-Referenced Mapping interface for ROS/RVIZ | 3 | False | Raptor | 2013-03-06 12:33:34 | 2015-03-24 17:02:51 |
Hector Mapping with out odometry | 1 | False | sumanth | 2014-08-04 10:05:47 | 2014-08-04 12:05:25 |
RTK GPS Localization in known static map | 1 | False | alec_gurman | 2019-04-12 09:19:31 | 2019-05-15 09:26:33 |
hector_mapping map overlap | 3 | False | elva | 2013-03-29 07:04:41 | 2013-11-22 03:05:44 |
slam_toolbox offline slam | 1 | False | MrOCW | 2022-07-01 13:42:58 | 2022-07-01 18:41:29 |
Merge multiple saved maps | 1 | False | alec_gurman | 2019-05-06 01:24:52 | 2019-08-14 17:04:36 |
Alternative approach to gmapping and hector-mapping? | 2 | False | GermanStudent | 2014-03-19 04:20:32 | 2016-09-10 10:01:59 |
Hector mapping failed in corridors or tidy environmnent | 1 | False | Astronaut | 2013-05-25 21:50:19 | 2013-05-27 13:31:33 |
how to access yaml map data? | 2 | False | peyman1372 | 2022-07-16 13:42:23 | 2022-07-16 20:11:09 |
ccny_rgbd with vo+mapping rosservice call error | 2 | False | rossi | 2013-06-22 15:21:18 | 2013-07-02 07:42:24 |
Can turtlebot_simulator be loaded with a PGM map? | 1 | False | BlitherPants | 2014-11-17 18:56:15 | 2014-11-19 15:15:41 |
Does ROS support this scenario off-the-shelf? | 1 | False | Paul Jurczak | 2014-12-12 05:52:19 | 2014-12-12 09:29:02 |
The slower the speed of turtlebot the better the mapping result we got..WHY? | 1 | False | ghost | 2014-12-14 22:07:11 | 2014-12-15 00:39:34 |
How to start a node after I terminate the lunch file with Ctrl + C | 2 | False | ermanas | 2019-08-28 13:31:43 | 2019-08-28 14:09:07 |
Odometry with RGBDSLAM for mapping white walls | 1 | False | Phelipe | 2015-01-14 13:48:34 | 2015-01-29 15:07:57 |
transform from odom,map to base_link | 1 | False | kallivalli | 2019-09-18 14:17:31 | 2019-09-18 22:10:22 |
Next Step After Hector-SLAM? | 1 | False | cyotmhnd | 2019-10-28 11:46:31 | 2019-10-28 16:47:45 |
About addStaticObservation function ? | 1 | False | assil | 2015-03-26 12:20:05 | 2015-03-28 23:12:52 |
Maps, is it better to publish on a topic or use a service and have other nodes request a map? | 1 | False | gilsenjp | 2013-08-30 13:38:38 | 2013-09-02 07:32:00 |
urdf in rviz is too deep | 1 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-04-30 09:25:41 | 2015-04-30 15:56:47 |
No image_rect after remapping and rtabmap not publishing map data | 1 | False | F.Brosseau | 2015-05-19 15:28:11 | 2015-05-20 17:42:26 |
Mapping with Turtlebot and the stairways | 1 | False | pexison | 2015-06-12 08:15:52 | 2015-06-12 09:16:03 |
I would like to know if an ultrasonic sensor array (3-Sensors, 45 degrees apart) will be able to mimic the laser range sensor required for the navigation stack provided by ROS. | 2 | False | miguel | 2015-06-19 11:22:25 | 2015-06-19 14:06:01 |
Generation online 3D map from a RGB Camera | 1 | False | Phelipe | 2015-07-10 14:10:10 | 2015-07-11 02:04:00 |
multiple Laserscanner for Hector Mapping | 2 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-08-06 08:22:46 | 2018-01-02 06:54:59 |
Load map to map_server from MatLab | 1 | False | S.Prieto | 2015-09-14 10:06:13 | 2015-11-13 11:59:03 |
How to identify lines on the ground when mapping? | 1 | False | willzoe | 2020-04-17 18:13:59 | 2020-04-25 19:58:55 |
move_base not avoiding obstacles | 1 | False | me_saw | 2020-05-13 17:00:48 | 2020-05-14 10:07:07 |
Question about /tf topic | 1 | False | Osman | 2020-06-01 02:08:06 | 2020-06-05 12:28:59 |
How can I get the same map size for all SLAM algorithms? | 1 | False | dhaour9x | 2020-06-09 13:03:04 | 2020-06-09 17:00:48 |
Neato XV-11 LIDAR hector_slam mapping without odometry at walking speeds? | 1 | False | dchang0 | 2016-01-02 17:37:47 | 2016-01-03 10:31:40 |
How to implement bumper pointcloud on a custom robot? | 1 | False | parzival | 2020-07-07 18:25:18 | 2020-07-08 14:03:18 |
Hector mapping not creating map | 1 | False | andythepandy93 | 2016-04-05 21:04:06 | 2016-04-08 10:40:46 |
For mapping, what should i do after connecting to the laser? | 1 | False | bsk | 2016-05-04 15:13:47 | 2016-05-11 15:29:55 |
creating and building new package like hector_slam | 1 | False | bsk | 2016-05-13 10:56:21 | 2016-06-03 05:35:07 |
HECTOR SLAM + SICK LMS 200: Map not appearing | 1 | False | Omair Khalid | 2016-05-23 10:21:43 | 2016-05-26 11:48:59 |
Visual Odometry and Mapping in Google Tango ! | 1 | False | sai | 2014-05-15 00:09:09 | 2014-07-05 12:07:20 |
how can i use only costmap_2d map? (navigation stack without base_controller) | 2 | False | bsk | 2016-06-14 10:26:21 | 2016-06-14 16:08:45 |
Can I localize with imprecise/noisy sonar sensor? | 1 | False | triantatwo | 2016-06-20 03:38:10 | 2016-06-21 13:35:13 |
hector_slam vs gmapping? | 1 | False | bsk | 2016-06-20 18:47:02 | 2016-06-21 08:17:47 |
Mapping surroundings | 2 | False | Ziwen Qin | 2016-07-05 02:19:30 | 2016-09-02 01:52:13 |
How do I create and map pointcloud data? | 1 | False | Morefoam | 2016-07-07 21:37:33 | 2016-07-08 01:54:52 |
How does gMapping work? | 1 | False | Morefoam | 2016-07-09 00:25:55 | 2016-07-09 15:13:59 |
Is there RGB-D sync? (Melodic) | 1 | False | Giuseppe_ | 2021-02-10 14:55:44 | 2021-02-14 21:39:57 |
How can i run hector navigation for exploration? | 1 | False | mr.karimi | 2013-12-22 06:08:26 | 2013-12-27 03:02:12 |
GPU ndt _mapping hangs | 1 | False | Mackou | 2020-03-19 13:09:41 | 2021-08-06 12:48:03 |
Guide to helping with mapping using laser data | 1 | False | AkaTomo93 | 2017-01-02 01:00:27 | 2017-01-03 03:11:46 |
Raspberry Pi3 Hector Slam | 1 | False | matteopantano | 2017-01-15 18:51:37 | 2017-01-15 19:18:43 |
Limiting LaserScan range for Map Building | 3 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-20 11:29:00 | 2017-02-24 06:16:19 |
How to create ground truth for the map from ROS | 1 | False | Bigby | 2021-09-10 11:05:28 | 2021-09-10 15:08:24 |
Error while trying to move Pepper Robot with teleop. | 1 | False | DAC31415 | 2021-09-15 12:55:27 | 2021-09-16 10:55:58 |
Where does RTABMAP_Cloud save the Downloaded map and graph from RVIZ? | 2 | False | exclaiber | 2017-04-25 00:32:25 | 2017-04-27 16:14:20 |
Cartographer for TurtleBot? | 1 | False | Turtle | 2017-05-02 09:36:02 | 2017-05-08 12:30:53 |
Build a Map Using ROS Kinetic | 1 | False | Gaurav | 2017-05-03 11:41:21 | 2017-05-03 13:14:11 |
RViz status error | 1 | False | Carrie Yan | 2017-05-09 22:22:03 | 2018-04-22 17:58:24 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
how to create map with laser scanner data of kinect | 1 | True | parhamso | 2014-02-27 09:11:10 | 2014-02-28 02:48:29 |
Rviz: object scene information | 0 | False | emanuele.sansebastiano | 2017-07-07 02:09:26 | 2017-07-07 02:09:26 |
sharing rviz data through network | 0 | False | eran_ | 2017-08-02 21:44:05 | 2017-08-02 21:44:05 |
How to execute floor collision map demo in ucsb-ros-pkg | 2 | True | Scott | 2011-04-16 00:17:59 | 2011-12-23 01:49:16 |
ros mapping | 3 | True | vivek | 2011-11-15 05:27:58 | 2012-02-02 21:53:18 |
octomap server rviz mapping | 2 | True | acp | 2011-12-12 23:40:12 | 2011-12-13 13:32:20 |
Gmapping failed in long corridor using Navigation Stack | 1 | True | ParNurZeal | 2011-12-21 19:28:25 | 2011-12-22 01:54:53 |
can't set a fixed frame to use octomap mapping | 0 | False | ilyess | 2018-01-08 14:20:15 | 2018-01-08 14:20:15 |
Problem getting real-time_map using hector_slam!!! | 1 | True | NAGALLA DEEPAK | 2018-01-14 10:19:04 | 2018-12-18 01:25:12 |
update the map_server | 1 | True | TimboInSpace | 2014-04-19 11:25:40 | 2014-04-19 12:44:22 |
Octomap Navigation? How to? | 3 | True | bakhtawar | 2018-03-23 14:02:12 | 2019-01-21 20:08:47 |
Typical Methods of Building Large 3D Maps? | 2 | True | Yo | 2012-03-22 11:28:26 | 2012-03-26 07:32:20 |
Ultrasonic range sonars mapping in RVIZ | 1 | True | Andre Araujo | 2012-03-22 12:00:55 | 2012-03-22 12:19:14 |
Kinect re-position | 2 | True | prasanna | 2012-04-02 03:26:45 | 2012-04-02 21:48:24 |
University of Washington rgb-d slam package availability | 1 | True | Scott | 2012-04-02 13:15:50 | 2012-04-02 13:23:42 |
rviz integration with different frames and sensors | 2 | True | SivamPillai | 2012-04-04 18:49:51 | 2012-04-06 13:33:12 |
slam_gmapping Registering First Scan problem | 2 | True | kshitij | 2012-04-23 12:10:31 | 2012-05-02 22:23:28 |
RVIZ in ROS Fuerte - not capable to see 3D environment | 0 | False | AntonioM | 2012-05-04 03:43:25 | 2012-05-04 09:33:07 |
how can I build probability maps with gmapping | 2 | True | igoliao | 2012-06-04 03:15:41 | 2012-06-04 06:02:46 |
simulated turtlebot mapping itself | 2 | True | Intellethan | 2012-06-07 10:56:03 | 2012-06-08 09:47:12 |
Mapping with Sonar Data? | 5 | True | MarkyMark2012 | 2012-08-16 03:05:33 | 2017-10-23 17:04:36 |
[ INFO] [1345647384.436612487]: Still waiting on map... | 2 | True | buma676 | 2012-08-22 09:57:33 | 2012-09-23 13:32:58 |
Sick and ROS slam | 1 | True | Julio | 2012-08-23 03:27:49 | 2012-08-23 03:31:55 |
Can I use a single-point laser range finder with a SLAM algorithm (not a Hokuyo-type/wide-angle type scanner)? | 2 | True | jc17 | 2014-06-18 00:42:26 | 2014-06-18 10:20:07 |
How to create waypoints for nav2 based on saved .pgm map? | 1 | True | sdudiak01 | 2022-03-13 11:52:43 | 2022-03-15 08:49:54 |
Mapping between pointcloud and image | 1 | True | KARTHIK MURUGAN | 2012-12-10 23:06:41 | 2014-02-28 10:10:21 |
ptam and cameracalibrator won't start | 1 | False | andreas.gerken | 2014-07-16 16:05:52 | 2014-07-22 16:17:46 |
Exploration tutorial for gazebo/erratic or P3DX | 2 | True | general975 | 2013-02-21 09:19:34 | 2013-03-02 16:11:05 |
[Turtlebot] Autonomous map building | 1 | True | hades | 2014-07-23 07:35:25 | 2014-07-29 18:44:39 |
Connecting maps | 1 | True | gerhenz | 2014-07-25 16:20:53 | 2014-07-26 19:57:22 |
ROS2 plan a trajectory without mapping (without lidar) | 2 | True | Bastian2909 | 2022-05-17 09:19:16 | 2022-05-18 08:16:05 |
estimated pose by hector mapping and robot_pose_ekf | 1 | True | Astronaut | 2013-03-11 02:57:26 | 2013-03-11 06:52:09 |
Mapping with Kinect sensor | 1 | True | sumanth | 2014-08-11 09:24:34 | 2014-08-11 10:17:54 |
Alternative approach to gmapping and hector-mapping? | 0 | False | GermanStudent | 2014-03-19 04:20:56 | 2014-03-19 04:20:56 |
2D mapping | 1 | True | beto.leonardo | 2013-03-27 13:01:21 | 2013-03-27 22:25:57 |
Gmapping - just the last scan mapped | 3 | True | anamcarvalho | 2014-08-21 15:48:18 | 2014-08-28 11:34:16 |
Creating a map | 1 | True | lfyhmdn | 2014-09-03 05:50:24 | 2014-09-03 08:05:05 |
To understand the concept of Origin field from map_server | 2 | True | harderthan | 2019-05-10 14:54:11 | 2019-05-13 09:17:56 |
perspective or projection matrix | 1 | True | zweistein | 2014-09-25 09:02:21 | 2014-09-26 11:26:05 |
hector_mapping doesn't update robot pose with insufficient features | 0 | False | ajain | 2014-10-02 18:54:49 | 2014-10-02 20:53:58 |
Alternative approach to gmapping and hector-mapping? | 0 | False | GermanStudent | 2014-03-19 04:21:42 | 2014-03-19 04:21:42 |
Mapping lidar data in Husky A200 | 4 | True | Arjun PE | 2012-04-24 05:43:44 | 2012-09-21 17:31:55 |
How mapping using HOKUYO LIDAR (URG-04LX) and hector_slam? | 2 | True | MAXIMOS | 2013-06-10 05:52:11 | 2013-06-16 23:28:00 |
subscribe NAO laser head data | 2 | True | noob_coder | 2013-06-26 02:53:40 | 2015-05-19 18:04:05 |
Generate map with underwater sonar data | 1 | True | Josch | 2013-07-30 04:22:43 | 2013-07-30 09:58:52 |
hi am trying create a map using lidat lite v3 through arduino,but it is not producing any map,my program is written below, can you guys please help me ? am new to ROS | 1 | False | ARUN T S | 2017-10-24 06:49:47 | 2017-11-03 17:58:14 |
Get only the current map from GMapping | 2 | True | sadek | 2015-03-23 10:59:35 | 2015-03-23 14:46:10 |
2D map from Octomap | 3 | True | jwrobbo | 2012-02-12 01:58:15 | 2012-03-26 11:53:42 |
Error in building hector_navigation | 1 | True | psprox96 | 2015-06-19 01:15:34 | 2015-06-19 06:46:58 |
Trying to Update Pose of HectorSLAM | 1 | True | felixwatzlawik | 2015-07-01 10:02:22 | 2015-07-02 14:44:55 |
Clear Map from HectorMapping | 1 | True | felixwatzlawik | 2015-07-02 11:53:17 | 2015-07-02 14:40:02 |
How to create OccupancyGrid from Laser scan data and Pose (odometry)? | 1 | True | balakumar-s | 2013-11-18 06:49:38 | 2013-11-20 00:48:57 |
Pointcloud is only being published playing a certain bagfile | 1 | True | sven-hoek | 2015-12-04 14:32:56 | 2015-12-12 01:07:20 |
Change occupancy grid axis | 1 | True | mirella melo | 2020-09-13 20:09:11 | 2020-09-16 01:20:16 |
Rtab-map : unexpected occupancy grid map | 1 | True | mirella melo | 2020-10-15 18:58:11 | 2020-11-07 03:05:26 |
Static map and SLAM mapping | 1 | True | FuerteNewbie | 2013-11-21 21:35:01 | 2013-11-22 01:55:31 |
move_base changes clock of mapping node | 1 | True | pkohout | 2013-11-22 10:28:13 | 2013-12-13 02:15:36 |
2 Laser Mapping | 1 | True | Icehawk101 | 2013-12-06 12:04:26 | 2013-12-07 13:31:21 |
Costmap's free-space depending on gmapping? | 2 | True | dneuhold | 2013-12-17 12:09:04 | 2014-01-14 05:18:34 |
How to use depthimage_to_laserscan package to create map? | 3 | True | Dhagash Desai | 2016-10-25 06:09:26 | 2019-01-02 00:49:22 |
Localization issue using gmapping and odom data. | 3 | True | dneuhold | 2014-01-09 08:32:08 | 2014-01-20 03:24:48 |