Converting from RGB to depth | 4 | True | caspersky | 2011-02-28 07:50:05 | 2011-03-02 16:25:35
kinect's rgb camera with camera_calibration | 3 | True | polmonso | 2011-03-24 04:16:55 | 2011-10-20 04:26:25
retrieve rgb from kinect pointcloud | 2 | True | quimnuss | 2011-06-08 09:15:38 | 2011-06-08 10:41:22
Get RGB pixel coordinate in depth cloud | 1 | True | PiccoloBuddha | 2011-10-11 02:09:20 | 2011-10-17 12:11:22
Mirroring RGB image | 0 | False | PiccoloBuddha | 2011-10-12 05:07:42 | 2011-10-12 05:07:42
RGB colour | 1 | True | youga | 2011-10-19 06:29:35 | 2011-10-20 08:40:34
data from kinect,rgb and depth images | 1 | True | bassim | 2011-10-31 09:36:30 | 2011-10-31 16:33:56
save data from the kinect | 2 | True | bassim | 2011-11-10 09:07:07 | 2011-11-10 09:13:41
detect object with color | 1 | True | ghazaleh | 2014-04-20 02:24:58 | 2014-04-20 17:07:36
could not find executable file | 1 | True | ghazaleh | 2014-04-22 03:15:46 | 2014-04-22 03:35:37
Flickering kinect camera image using OpenNI | 1 | True | Nicklas | 2012-04-03 15:30:03 | 2012-04-04 08:06:09
Which topics to use? | 1 | True | nios | 2012-04-26 08:08:23 | 2012-04-26 09:17:48
Running openni_camera and an additional external USB camera | 1 | True | ubuntuslave | 2012-06-14 19:03:20 | 2012-06-15 09:07:56
LED RGB in Gazebo | 1 | True | Pablo Garcia | 2012-06-29 03:55:50 | 2013-07-10 02:06:11
programming with kinect rgb | 1 | True | Rydel | 2012-07-09 14:56:08 | 2012-07-09 20:15:37
Latest image_view in ROS Fuerte is now expecting RGB rather than BGR | 2 | True | Arrakis | 2012-08-29 10:08:45 | 2012-09-03 08:10:28
kinect (openni): pointcloud2. Object shadow appearing in rviz? | 2 | True | Andrius | 2013-01-08 14:33:36 | 2013-01-09 14:13:48
How to convert pointcloud2 to separate depth and rgb image messages | 2 | True | ee.cornwell | 2013-02-22 11:54:15 | 2013-02-22 18:13:27
Fetching the RGB image from kinect | 1 | True | sumanth | 2014-09-01 10:27:24 | 2014-09-02 10:04:54
RGB and depth image to point cloud data | 1 | True | gilmour | 2014-10-10 16:35:29 | 2014-10-13 21:41:09
Asus Xtion, Stream RGB and IR together | 2 | True | astaranowicz | 2013-06-12 11:49:19 | 2015-12-01 11:49:27
multiple subscriber multiple publisher | 1 | True | ros | 2013-06-12 13:25:24 | 2013-06-12 15:44:05
converting a decimal number into color code using Opencv | 0 | False | RSA_kustar | 2014-12-29 09:42:13 | 2014-12-29 09:42:13
depth of points in RGB using kinect driver | 1 | True | fairy | 2013-07-27 04:00:15 | 2013-07-29 02:31:53
How to Record the RGB and Depth image of Kinect by Openni? | 1 | False | tanghz | 2015-01-08 02:56:45 | 2015-01-12 13:46:37
kinect openni,error message,no devices connected!! on ubuntu-diamondback | 1 | True | bassim | 2011-10-25 13:06:10 | 2011-10-25 14:42:14
why RGB and depth Image synchronization not working? [Solved] | 1 | True | PKumars | 2016-02-18 20:26:16 | 2016-02-26 15:47:27
Getting RGB's pixel related coordinate in pointcloud (real world) with openni | 1 | True | barcelosandre | 2013-11-21 14:39:16 | 2014-01-16 13:04:08
Save images kinect - 30fps | 1 | True | ROSkinect | 2016-06-20 07:55:39 | 2016-06-20 09:35:48