Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
"no map received" in RVIZ, how to create map? I only got real time info in rviz | 0 | False | sonjasper | 2017-06-10 18:34:03 | 2019-06-11 22:33:08 |
Ros navigation without static map | 0 | False | rahulr | 2014-02-27 17:34:21 | 2014-02-27 17:34:21 |
How can navsat_transform_node deal with base_link and map not aligned when GPS data is received ? | 0 | False | Yvonnn | 2017-06-30 13:40:37 | 2017-06-30 13:41:30 |
Turtlebot's position doesn't make sense on gmapping | 0 | False | WilsonTang | 2017-07-04 02:43:57 | 2017-07-04 02:43:57 |
Is it possible to fix the map tf in rviz | 0 | False | sincoy | 2022-03-03 18:26:04 | 2022-03-03 18:26:04 |
How to determine the world coordinate of a cell to update its cost in a costmap? | 0 | False | razanleo | 2022-03-17 22:04:49 | 2022-03-17 22:04:49 |
why didn't the cartographer published /map? | 0 | False | hfeiii | 2017-07-26 12:36:29 | 2017-07-26 12:36:29 |
Existing map cannot localize the robot | 0 | False | kimnguyen | 2017-08-31 21:25:58 | 2017-08-31 21:25:58 |
i m new to c++ and ros and want to build my own mapping algorithm using laser scan and scan matching | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-09-02 16:34:39 | 2017-09-02 16:34:39 |
how to change the transform according to a transform tree | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 | 2017-09-12 05:43:48 |
Tool or ROS package to evaluate the quality of map built by a SLAM algorithm | 0 | False | electrophod | 2022-06-08 07:56:31 | 2022-06-08 07:56:31 |
rqt plugin crhashes static map rviz | 0 | False | acp | 2014-03-14 06:25:04 | 2015-11-14 13:05:46 |
how to change ros(map) coordinate system to html5 canvas coordinate system | 0 | False | alvinhu | 2017-09-26 00:59:00 | 2017-09-26 20:36:21 |
Implementing map into A* pathfinder | 0 | False | bmancarth | 2017-11-09 14:39:31 | 2017-11-09 14:39:31 |
scan is not match map | 0 | False | Maxes | 2017-11-19 08:44:59 | 2017-11-19 08:44:59 |
Wifi Mapping over 2D SLAM | 0 | False | nz.stephenl | 2017-11-21 20:48:51 | 2017-11-21 20:48:51 |
Detecting colored tapes/lines | 0 | False | matislovas | 2017-11-22 20:49:50 | 2017-11-22 20:50:07 |
How to load a map on mapviz? | 0 | False | cheng1234567 | 2017-11-29 08:44:38 | 2017-11-29 08:44:37 |
SLAM Gmapping map building | 0 | False | 2017-12-02 12:05:17 | 2017-12-02 12:05:17 | |
map, odom, robot footprint are not aligned in RViz | 0 | False | nemesis | 2017-12-05 23:28:31 | 2017-12-05 23:28:31 |
not getting map in gmapping transform from odom to base_link problem | 0 | False | Shanky13 | 2017-12-09 17:08:05 | 2017-12-10 11:16:23 |
build grid map from yaml file and pgm image in C++ | 0 | False | haitm | 2017-12-29 09:03:04 | 2017-12-29 17:29:56 |
Problem with saving map created in Rviz | 0 | False | mah_tala | 2022-11-23 18:32:57 | 2022-11-23 18:32:57 |
Our robot only goes forward and backward after adding static_transform_publisher | 0 | False | kostasoderoglou | 2022-02-16 12:19:45 | 2022-02-16 15:04:22 |
How to visualize an existed map in rviz2? | 0 | False | Tudala | 2022-02-17 09:11:22 | 2022-02-17 09:11:22 |
Gmapping error after a few seconds of providing a map | 0 | False | Kostas Tziab | 2022-09-17 14:30:52 | 2022-09-17 14:32:51 |
Creating and saving map with shell script | 0 | False | az | 2018-02-17 15:07:28 | 2018-02-17 15:07:28 |
Get depthmap data from many turtlebots connected to the workstation at the same time !? | 0 | False | assil | 2013-12-24 07:07:35 | 2013-12-24 07:07:35 |
How multiple robots share a map? | 0 | False | nora | 2018-03-12 02:05:41 | 2018-03-12 18:26:31 |
Gmapping map is not alinged with the laser data and robot discription | 0 | False | Shashika | 2018-03-19 01:59:51 | 2018-03-19 01:59:51 |
Map's status is warn | 0 | False | danmianjing_00 | 2014-04-21 20:39:01 | 2014-04-21 20:39:40 |
Warning: TF_REPEATED_DATA ignoring data with redundant timestamp for frame odom at time 176.254000 according to authority unknown_publisher | 0 | False | Vasanth97 | 2023-08-05 11:52:19 | 2023-08-08 05:29:15 |
Localization | Navigation Problem | 0 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-04-05 14:41:16 | 2018-04-05 14:41:16 |
No /map in fixed frame | 0 | False | FuerteNewbie | 2013-10-16 22:45:42 | 2013-10-16 22:45:42 |
Problem with setting origin of hector map | 0 | False | hannesjk | 2019-03-28 10:27:17 | 2019-03-28 10:27:17 |
How to access and send occupancy grid data from a callback function subscribing /map to another function | 0 | False | akshaybj0221 | 2018-04-24 03:34:49 | 2018-04-24 03:34:49 |
Unable to load map with AMCL | 0 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-05-02 09:58:51 | 2018-05-02 09:58:51 |
Outdoor navigation - following the road only with road map | 0 | False | korys | 2018-05-17 08:54:03 | 2021-01-06 08:21:03 |
How can I get the coordinates from nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid message? | 0 | False | matheus.pinto | 2018-05-24 13:58:41 | 2018-05-24 13:58:41 |
Unable to build on the map | 0 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-06-11 11:16:39 | 2018-06-11 11:17:55 |
Why dose gmapping pkg rotate a part of built map | 0 | False | Alireza_m | 2018-06-23 18:17:15 | 2018-06-23 18:17:55 |
What's the purpose of topic /map in mapstitch | 0 | False | wt70707 | 2016-10-20 19:53:31 | 2016-10-20 19:53:31 |
Failed to compute odometry pose | 0 | False | ryuzaki | 2018-07-13 10:07:49 | 2018-07-13 10:07:49 |
Depthmap data (image_raw topic) | 0 | False | ZdenekM | 2012-07-03 12:17:48 | 2012-07-04 08:08:16 |
waiting for the map problem | 0 | False | guigui | 2014-05-28 00:02:52 | 2014-05-28 00:02:52 |
How to update the already generated map when the world changes? | 0 | False | sachinkum0009 | 2020-07-04 04:59:42 | 2020-07-04 04:59:42 |
How to create a correct Image Map for Stageros / Fuerte? | 0 | False | ROS_Angel | 2012-08-03 17:30:21 | 2012-08-03 17:32:42 |
distance from a baselink vector to some fixed frame on the map | 0 | False | Astronaut | 2012-08-23 01:26:35 | 2012-08-23 01:26:35 |
Is there a package which allows you to convert .pgm with .yaml to graph data? | 0 | False | AshRos | 2018-09-25 13:15:30 | 2018-09-25 13:15:30 |
Conversion between Matrix coordinates and Stage coordinates | 0 | False | woz | 2018-09-25 14:10:35 | 2018-09-25 14:10:35 |
Autonomous search for objects in known map | 0 | False | WolfRayette | 2014-06-12 10:53:06 | 2014-06-12 10:53:06 |
slam_gmapping not mapping | 0 | False | AV | 2018-10-11 05:05:12 | 2018-10-12 05:19:27 |
Elevation map in Rviz | 0 | False | Brioche | 2012-09-19 01:41:41 | 2012-09-19 01:41:41 |
Costmaps resizing twice after map switching | 0 | False | opo | 2018-11-08 21:25:35 | 2018-11-08 21:30:48 |
robot_localization transform functions for move_base? | 0 | False | PG_GrantDare | 2018-11-15 03:30:37 | 2018-11-15 03:30:37 |
I want to put hokuyo on turtlebot even in real and gazebo. | 0 | False | saito | 2018-12-03 16:22:14 | 2018-12-04 07:32:16 |
3D Point Cloud | 0 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-01-29 07:16:28 | 2019-01-29 07:16:28 |
Problem estimating volume with octomap | 0 | False | Falstaff | 2018-05-31 10:48:01 | 2018-05-31 10:48:01 |
amcl first map only | 0 | False | pwong | 2014-07-15 20:50:15 | 2014-07-15 20:50:15 |
How to create ocupancy grid map from my camera topic | 0 | False | Rouj | 2019-04-29 08:40:32 | 2019-04-29 08:40:32 |
Save the map using roslibjs | 0 | False | Yug Ajmera | 2019-05-22 04:29:43 | 2020-05-04 01:44:23 |
Does anyone have a map downsampling node? | 0 | False | ahendrix | 2014-03-18 12:03:40 | 2014-03-18 12:03:40 |
order of the time or event for implement of the code | 0 | False | Redhwan | 2019-03-03 06:44:29 | 2019-03-03 12:55:20 |
Sart and Close Gazebo or Rviz Multiple Time | 0 | False | ArmanAsq | 2022-07-18 12:31:45 | 2022-07-18 12:31:45 |
navigation on map with Husky is very slow | 0 | False | hb_CEAR | 2014-10-22 09:37:27 | 2014-10-26 12:15:24 |
No transform from [/GroundTruth] to frame [/map] | 0 | False | sumant | 2014-10-23 11:22:27 | 2014-10-23 15:56:39 |
move_base request failed | 0 | False | marvijar | 2019-07-04 14:47:57 | 2019-07-04 14:47:57 |
Problem with hector_mapping | 0 | False | Eisenhorn | 2013-07-08 17:36:51 | 2013-07-08 17:36:51 |
size of gmapping map saved | 0 | False | Zayin | 2013-07-09 11:30:47 | 2013-07-16 10:46:46 |
.pgm maps compare | 0 | False | lightsalt | 2019-07-30 08:53:23 | 2019-07-30 08:53:23 |
how to publish map frame? | 0 | False | june2473 | 2019-08-26 09:24:06 | 2019-08-26 09:24:56 |
skewed map gmapping | 0 | False | RND | 2015-02-17 10:15:17 | 2015-02-17 11:39:46 |
How to add new fixed obstacles to the map that builded before? | 0 | False | tanghz | 2015-03-19 09:12:27 | 2015-03-19 09:12:27 |
[Cartographer]Fixed Frame [map] does not exist | 0 | False | Haze | 2021-08-05 12:37:20 | 2021-08-05 12:37:19 |
how to scale a pointcloud in octomap | 0 | False | JacoPisa | 2015-03-26 14:49:59 | 2015-03-26 14:49:59 |
Map origin with respect to which coordinate frame? | 0 | False | parzival | 2019-11-11 10:07:21 | 2019-11-11 11:00:26 |
Nav2d_karto mapper doesn't build a map | 0 | False | Furane | 2015-03-31 15:59:34 | 2015-04-02 15:38:31 |
Unable to create reliable map for corridor.world gazebo | 0 | False | marguedas | 2015-04-01 16:48:30 | 2015-04-01 16:48:30 |
Map is not correct | 0 | False | maha | 2015-04-07 16:24:05 | 2015-04-07 16:24:05 |
Gmapping no map received rviz | 0 | False | JasonMc | 2019-11-19 11:23:07 | 2019-11-19 11:23:07 |
[Kinetic] rviz navigation map cluttered or inaccurate: how to delete, refresh, or archive? | 0 | False | velowander | 2017-08-15 06:52:22 | 2017-08-16 23:52:06 |
map drifting in rtabmap after visual-odometry activation | 0 | False | Masoum | 2022-01-25 17:23:55 | 2022-01-25 17:24:37 |
no map receive, Gmappping with Velodyne HDL-32E | 0 | False | Tomoko | 2015-06-05 00:00:13 | 2015-06-05 00:10:26 |
Problem when I try to save my world in Gazebo 2.2.2 | 0 | False | Alvaro Salcedo | 2015-06-11 11:11:18 | 2015-06-11 11:11:18 |
Target/landmark tracking | 0 | False | nwanda | 2015-07-10 17:41:42 | 2015-07-11 10:03:34 |
Match matching techniques for robot localization | 0 | False | newuser | 2015-07-23 20:07:50 | 2015-07-23 20:07:50 |
2d image map from Lidar | 0 | False | phil333 | 2017-10-18 16:34:01 | 2017-10-18 16:34:01 |
Turtlebot3 gazebo simulation error; no map received, no link between base and map frames | 0 | False | Abdur | 2021-08-31 20:48:51 | 2021-08-31 20:48:51 |
Alternative of rosbridge for my web app ? | 0 | False | kallivalli | 2020-03-23 13:29:10 | 2020-03-24 08:27:34 |
Scale Issue on Map vs Laser | 0 | False | Arif Rahman | 2020-03-31 10:15:09 | 2020-03-31 10:15:09 |
How to navigation in 3d map with a 2d laser scanner? | 0 | False | ffgamelife | 2015-09-21 01:30:06 | 2015-09-21 01:30:06 |
I'm new to ROS, I'm trying to create a map with V-REP USING hector_slam, but I'm not able to make the map appear on rviz, can someone help me? | 0 | False | Higor | 2020-04-15 16:31:15 | 2020-04-15 16:31:15 |
Visualizing a dynamic map with ros2djs | 0 | False | Swan Baigne | 2015-10-15 07:23:51 | 2015-10-15 07:23:51 |
Karto Slam didn't update map | 0 | False | Red | 2020-04-28 04:19:12 | 2020-04-28 04:42:58 |
No laser scan received | 0 | False | jieun | 2022-10-16 10:58:37 | 2022-10-17 07:44:23 |
ROS node lat and long topics in Google Maps Javascript | 0 | False | Primo | 2020-05-03 00:02:33 | 2020-05-03 03:03:49 |
youbot bad results in gmapping | 0 | False | mall3i | 2015-11-26 12:02:38 | 2015-11-26 12:02:38 |
SLAM Map relocalisation for Turtlebot | 0 | False | Baumboon | 2017-12-04 15:09:14 | 2017-12-06 11:36:42 |
Problems with navigation stack .. | 0 | False | assil | 2015-12-11 10:39:35 | 2015-12-11 10:39:35 |
Is faked odometry accurate enough for navigation? | 0 | False | solosito | 2015-12-22 11:48:56 | 2016-01-14 15:14:32 |
ROS map is recording but not playing | 0 | False | kamal.kld11 | 2020-06-04 16:25:41 | 2020-06-04 16:25:41 |
Autoware Curb Detection | 0 | False | hdossaji94 | 2020-06-19 14:02:39 | 2020-06-19 14:02:39 |
odom tf is not moving map is wrong | 0 | False | Red | 2020-07-11 14:58:44 | 2020-07-11 15:32:44 |
Why OccupancyGridLayer class doesn't access draw method? | 0 | False | grzebyk | 2013-10-28 02:07:51 | 2013-10-28 02:07:51 |
ROS Kinetic full map coverage | 0 | False | ElClopitan | 2020-07-14 22:03:28 | 2020-07-14 22:03:28 |
lidar laser not align static map when car moving? | 0 | False | meroke | 2022-08-07 15:58:21 | 2022-08-07 16:02:11 |
Map is shaking when launching hector and make the map a mess | 0 | False | kyozho | 2020-08-10 10:58:27 | 2020-08-11 02:36:01 |
Add new arbitrary obstacle to navigate | 0 | False | ctguell | 2013-11-03 01:39:07 | 2013-11-03 01:39:07 |
Map transformation from Pixel to world coordinates | 0 | False | rexrayne92 | 2020-08-19 09:25:15 | 2020-08-19 09:25:15 |
costmap not appearing for actual robot, but appears for gazebo simulations for turtlebot3 navigation | 0 | False | Ahmed708 | 2023-03-17 23:07:08 | 2023-03-17 23:07:08 |
no transform from base_footprint to map | 0 | False | lslabon | 2020-09-09 09:44:42 | 2020-09-09 09:47:45 |
Request for map failed | 0 | False | PedroACaldeira | 2020-09-13 09:13:36 | 2020-09-13 09:33:54 |
How to get the farthest location on the map using python? | 0 | False | Redhwan | 2020-09-21 07:56:29 | 2020-09-21 07:56:29 |
Occupancy grid map dataset [?] | 0 | False | mirella melo | 2020-09-25 15:40:12 | 2020-09-25 15:40:12 |
Rviz Pointcloud2 stop receiving data when moving fast Kinect. | 0 | False | thepirate16 | 2016-04-15 08:49:43 | 2016-04-15 08:51:55 |
Rviz Pointcloud2 stop receiving data when moving fast Kinect. | 0 | False | thepirate16 | 2016-04-18 11:59:58 | 2016-04-18 11:59:58 |
Strange Sideeffect Node with Topic echo | 0 | False | El_Winnero | 2016-04-21 14:42:34 | 2016-04-21 14:42:34 |
I'd like to map some sensor values, what should I use? | 0 | False | Ellison | 2016-05-05 12:26:39 | 2016-05-05 12:26:39 |
How is map data analyzed? | 0 | False | Cero10 | 2019-07-18 16:14:42 | 2019-07-18 17:29:03 |
Multiple turtlebot3 navigation base_footprint to map solution | 0 | False | francimala | 2019-05-11 17:36:44 | 2019-05-12 08:23:26 |
Moving laser frame causing problem | 0 | False | b2meer | 2016-05-13 16:40:02 | 2016-05-13 16:40:02 |
How to position and label objects on a map created with /map(2d) | 0 | False | touya | 2022-12-13 14:01:33 | 2022-12-13 14:01:33 |
how to get a non-ROS robot's position in a known map stored in a ROS master server? | 0 | False | VEGETA | 2016-05-26 15:12:37 | 2016-05-26 15:12:37 |
How to map change? | 0 | False | Ramune6110 | 2021-05-22 13:39:09 | 2021-05-22 13:39:09 |
How to setup Pioneer 3-dx for building a map | 0 | False | hangzhang | 2013-11-28 03:32:26 | 2013-11-28 03:32:26 |
tf setup for sensor on a gimbal on a robot. | 0 | False | uwleahcim | 2016-06-19 15:56:44 | 2016-06-19 17:46:14 |
robot don't move in the map | 0 | False | ghaith | 2016-06-20 15:20:43 | 2016-06-20 15:20:43 |
how to let gmapping move_base and amcl work together? | 0 | False | ligang | 2016-06-22 13:21:44 | 2016-06-22 13:21:44 |
problem while building map | 0 | False | ghaith | 2016-06-23 14:16:57 | 2016-06-24 08:40:32 |
Global_costmap vs static_map | 0 | False | skpro19 | 2021-01-10 22:27:09 | 2021-01-11 10:47:51 |
how to find the true pos? | 0 | False | ligang | 2016-06-27 13:58:48 | 2016-06-27 13:58:48 |
Problem with spinning lidar in gmapping | 0 | False | b2meer | 2016-06-29 15:11:32 | 2016-06-29 15:11:32 |
RVIZ doesn't work, "No map received, map passed to lookuptransform argument target_frame does not exist" | 0 | False | praveena | 2021-02-18 06:04:07 | 2021-02-18 06:05:24 |
Create Map from Rosbag | 0 | False | rasoo | 2016-08-12 02:49:26 | 2016-08-23 16:33:09 |
RViz GIS/Geo Mapping and drawing points of interest on sensor data voltages | 0 | False | Aaron_Sims | 2021-03-05 22:36:40 | 2021-03-05 22:36:40 |
how to render a map in android opengl | 0 | False | joye | 2021-03-19 15:11:49 | 2021-03-19 15:58:53 |
how do I periodically save snapshots of the map while it is being created? | 0 | False | NecessaryThat | 2021-03-23 19:45:03 | 2021-03-24 14:16:36 |
How to set custom cost in nav2 map? | 0 | False | AlexKaravaev | 2021-03-31 12:29:13 | 2021-03-31 12:40:06 |
navigation_stage is not working while connecting to robotino | 0 | False | rasoo | 2016-09-29 15:33:36 | 2016-09-29 15:33:36 |
Incomplete grid_map surface plots in Rviz using grid_map_msgs/GridMap messages | 0 | False | Roberto Z. | 2021-04-21 20:55:35 | 2021-04-21 20:55:35 |
[URG+hector_slam]Error on rviz | 0 | False | tanaka | 2016-10-28 02:03:56 | 2016-10-28 05:57:53 |
ethzasl icp mapping error | 0 | False | INSA | 2013-05-20 02:51:39 | 2013-05-20 02:51:39 |
AMCL Scans Drifting / Not Correctly Registering | 0 | False | torlog | 2021-05-19 02:12:58 | 2021-05-19 02:12:58 |
Problem in Map buildiing using Gmapping | 0 | False | rimital | 2016-11-08 12:23:17 | 2016-11-08 12:23:17 |
[WARN] Off Map Navigation_Stack | 0 | False | apprentice_user | 2021-05-21 08:58:40 | 2021-05-21 09:06:01 |
tf tree details | 0 | False | rimital | 2016-11-23 06:52:19 | 2017-09-11 16:51:33 |
Any tutorials for ros large map frameworks? | 0 | False | nansmallgong | 2016-12-28 03:50:17 | 2016-12-28 03:52:26 |
No transform from [...] to [/map] and sometimes Fixed Frame [map] does not exit | 0 | False | Diana_Elyza | 2017-01-05 04:25:30 | 2017-01-05 04:25:30 |
transform map to base_link was unavailable in using husky outdoor GPS navigation | 0 | False | shilijian | 2018-09-23 08:34:52 | 2018-09-23 08:34:52 |
map frame does not exist and sim time true | 0 | False | SCrusher | 2017-01-05 11:42:12 | 2017-01-05 11:42:12 |
use map on another robot | 0 | False | wt70707 | 2017-01-17 20:43:28 | 2017-01-17 20:43:28 |
Problem with google cartographer | 0 | False | farhatm | 2017-01-18 14:37:47 | 2017-01-18 14:37:47 |
someone has this error? Map update loop missed its desired rate of 5.0Hz | 0 | False | ahop_289 | 2014-10-14 21:51:02 | 2014-10-20 17:48:56 |
issue while building a map | 0 | False | ghaith | 2017-01-23 14:32:32 | 2017-01-24 11:58:39 |
Flag/Mark Map | 0 | False | darkeh | 2017-01-30 16:20:46 | 2017-01-30 16:20:46 |
TransformBroadcaster and robot_localization | 0 | False | haelannaleah | 2017-02-01 04:56:48 | 2017-02-01 04:57:19 |
Stage exploration | 0 | False | rossini | 2017-02-01 15:43:35 | 2017-02-02 10:18:45 |
Autoware.Auto ndt_localizer "stucks" at a little bit repeated point cloud shape situation | 0 | False | Aleksandr Savelev | 2021-08-20 11:07:22 | 2021-08-20 12:21:30 |
save a submaps | 0 | False | farhatm | 2017-02-03 15:16:16 | 2017-02-03 15:16:16 |
Navigation map and laser resolution | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-04 15:43:22 | 2017-02-05 17:57:04 |
question about costmap & map. | 0 | False | asimay_y | 2017-02-18 12:12:56 | 2017-02-18 12:13:29 |
Hector SLAM Mapping Pointcloud | 0 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-23 17:44:29 | 2017-02-23 18:02:31 |
Custom GUI Support for Maps | 0 | False | MarkyMark2012 | 2018-10-03 11:34:57 | 2018-10-03 11:34:57 |
Cartographer SLAM with LiDAR | 0 | False | franciscoascruz | 2021-10-15 15:56:15 | 2021-10-15 15:56:15 |
hector_slam with LIDAR not updating map in RVIZ | 0 | False | FomTarro | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 | 2017-03-24 20:37:01 |
Exception while loading the WMTS map for MapViz | 0 | False | Robot | 2018-10-08 17:19:20 | 2018-10-08 17:19:20 |
How does ros determine orientation? | 0 | False | Bill5785 | 2017-04-04 23:09:56 | 2017-04-04 23:10:57 |
Map transform not published by AMCL. | 0 | False | sajal | 2019-06-27 16:39:04 | 2019-06-27 16:39:04 |
node map in xml via cmd | 0 | False | dominik | 2017-04-26 12:22:56 | 2017-04-26 12:22:56 |
Transform from map to odom for robot using rtabmap | 0 | False | cluelessnigerian | 2017-04-28 15:25:18 | 2017-04-28 15:25:18 |
How to use slam toolbox localization with navigation? | 0 | False | LeonRobo | 2021-12-16 22:50:43 | 2021-12-16 22:50:43 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
why exist map->odom trasform | 1 | False | DaDaLee | 2017-06-14 01:01:10 | 2017-06-14 01:45:32 |
get pose(x,y) of any unoccupied cell from 2D occupancy grid | 1 | False | distro | 2022-03-08 08:21:04 | 2022-03-15 14:15:01 |
What is good practice to fuse pose from a unique odom message in robot_localization in both ekf_se_odom and ekf_se_map ? | 2 | False | Yvonnn | 2017-06-28 11:59:51 | 2017-09-24 15:47:15 |
When using navsat_transform_node, isn't it a problem to use IMU yaw to compute transform between map and base_link ? | 1 | False | Yvonnn | 2017-06-30 13:55:09 | 2017-09-25 14:49:25 |
Map gazebo world SLAM | 1 | False | antonio_ia | 2017-07-25 10:28:13 | 2017-07-25 17:55:45 |
Georeferencing map coordinates | 1 | False | 9a3eedi | 2017-07-31 06:07:27 | 2017-07-31 06:23:06 |
Problems Understanding the rxgraph results when using gmapping and navigation | 1 | False | ctguell | 2014-03-10 10:45:11 | 2014-03-18 03:19:50 |
how to change map in map_server? | 1 | False | marine0131 | 2017-09-04 01:46:06 | 2017-09-04 02:43:59 |
How to publish map continously? | 2 | False | electrophod | 2022-05-26 09:02:19 | 2022-05-26 10:02:31 |
Package or library to deal with maps | 1 | False | electrophod | 2022-05-26 09:05:25 | 2022-05-26 09:26:46 |
Using Google Cartographer with Turtlebot in a custom world? | 1 | False | PMT | 2017-09-09 17:39:36 | 2018-03-28 21:35:39 |
Monte Carlo map's given? | 1 | False | Alvaro.S | 2017-11-22 07:12:33 | 2017-11-23 07:02:13 |
RVIZ: Efficient way to display large, incremental 2D images in 3D space | 1 | False | Laxnpander | 2017-11-29 14:43:51 | 2017-11-29 16:45:13 |
aligning map to map_frame origin | 1 | False | cheng1234567 | 2017-11-30 06:51:00 | 2018-01-26 08:38:37 |
robot_localization /map /odom drift | 1 | False | Cyril_J | 2022-11-08 13:48:19 | 2023-04-21 07:57:39 |
how to clear local cost map? | 1 | False | wings0728 | 2017-12-28 07:53:01 | 2018-03-08 06:18:36 |
create inflated map | 1 | False | Rahndall | 2014-12-12 08:37:00 | 2015-06-30 08:51:38 |
map / navigate on a different axis / plane | 1 | False | ekptwtos | 2021-10-20 12:45:30 | 2021-11-04 01:30:01 |
transformation from map to laser | 2 | False | AutoCar | 2018-11-21 06:51:37 | 2018-11-24 07:16:59 |
Why every cell of my costmap is considered free? | 1 | False | f.cabeccia | 2021-10-03 16:45:34 | 2021-10-05 16:22:40 |
Will A* in AMCL direct robot into grey area on map | 1 | False | Ben12345 | 2018-02-13 01:32:02 | 2018-02-13 10:02:21 |
translate a map from map server | 1 | False | Peter1 | 2018-03-01 13:44:43 | 2018-03-05 00:12:05 |
move_base without map | 1 | False | optimus | 2014-04-19 09:53:04 | 2014-04-21 02:19:27 |
2D PointCloud to Occupancy grid | 1 | False | Georgee | 2018-04-09 10:32:35 | 2018-04-09 16:49:17 |
probleme with gmapping | 1 | False | kesuke | 2018-03-26 09:57:39 | 2018-03-26 13:57:49 |
Rviz doesn't show the correct tf2 tree | 1 | False | krzo | 2023-08-10 09:24:26 | 2023-08-10 15:12:40 |
Could not find a connection between '/map' and '/base_link' | 1 | False | Rupam_The_Brian Smith | 2014-05-02 06:09:03 | 2014-05-03 10:39:43 |
Navigation in an existing map. | 3 | False | assil | 2014-01-02 05:37:47 | 2014-01-07 07:22:04 |
How to build a 2D map which has only boundries of objects/ walls but without cells (no grid) | 1 | False | Jad | 2018-06-14 10:45:53 | 2018-06-15 09:24:11 |
Map topic data not published on remote computer | 1 | False | afranceson | 2014-11-01 10:35:55 | 2014-11-07 08:02:23 |
Nav Stack: one map for AMCL and one for move_base? | 3 | False | billy | 2018-06-19 06:51:41 | 2018-06-19 17:22:27 |
how to change a map | 2 | False | Ico | 2014-05-14 11:35:09 | 2014-05-14 15:31:59 |
how to edit the map (.pbm) built by gmapping pkg | 2 | False | Alireza_m | 2018-07-01 00:00:57 | 2018-07-03 01:27:10 |
Library or tools to operate on map matrix (occupancy grid) | 1 | False | electrophod | 2022-06-22 07:01:25 | 2022-06-22 08:50:58 |
Problem positioning map | 1 | False | Ico | 2014-05-15 16:55:27 | 2014-05-15 23:45:57 |
How to save a vector based map | 1 | False | johnbryant | 2018-07-30 12:18:16 | 2018-07-31 23:54:12 |
RVIZ shows odom frame fixed to map frame when running rtabmap | 1 | False | asabet | 2018-08-02 17:41:23 | 2018-08-03 19:44:05 |
sbpl_lattice_planner map resolution | 1 | False | Federico | 2016-01-21 11:55:08 | 2016-01-21 12:16:44 |
Add extra information to a map created by Gmapping | 1 | False | assil | 2018-08-07 12:40:15 | 2018-08-07 14:58:40 |
map conversion to image (hector_compressed_map_transport ((GMAPPING))) | 1 | False | bakhtawar | 2018-09-11 08:16:17 | 2018-09-11 12:41:26 |
How to label 2D laser based map with some objects (door, bed, .... etc) | 1 | False | Astronaut | 2012-08-08 21:36:57 | 2012-08-10 04:17:23 |
How to crate a map with gmapping and hokuyo laser | 2 | False | guigui | 2014-06-09 07:45:10 | 2014-06-12 03:43:10 |
Problem with navigation stack | 1 | False | camilla | 2012-08-30 08:03:58 | 2012-08-30 09:04:31 |
Turtlebot- Find a map after building and saving it on android | 1 | False | SHPOWER | 2012-09-23 13:44:16 | 2012-09-25 13:56:39 |
Refresh map on navigation | 2 | False | g.aterido | 2012-10-29 05:47:56 | 2012-10-30 03:49:32 |
Transformation between "map" and "odom" in tf | 1 | False | AutoCar | 2018-11-28 20:55:14 | 2019-02-02 01:18:38 |
unnormalized quaternions, malformed top_plate.stl and "No map received" when running RVIZ for Clearpath Husky after upgrading to Kinetic | 1 | False | nvd | 2019-10-17 18:17:48 | 2019-12-16 20:57:26 |
Confused about coordinate frames. Can someone please explain? | 3 | False | triantatwo | 2016-06-17 02:45:54 | 2016-06-17 13:02:31 |
rosrun tf tf_echo /map /base_link VS. Coding implementation. | 1 | False | Rupam_The_Brian Smith | 2014-05-05 07:15:27 | 2014-05-05 10:28:06 |
rgbdslam provides transform from /map to /camera_link... what happens in localization? | 2 | False | loutifner | 2014-07-03 13:39:24 | 2014-08-11 16:42:31 |
question to static transform publisher | 1 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-01-28 10:12:05 | 2019-01-28 10:30:07 |
transform base_link<->map not available, but both base_link<->odom and odom<->map are available (???) | 1 | False | federico.ferri | 2013-01-12 10:24:11 | 2013-01-13 12:35:40 |
how to divide a map (pgm) in little cell | 1 | False | Moda | 2014-07-10 10:39:54 | 2015-03-05 23:59:17 |
Rviz OGRE Exception(2:InvalidParametersException) | 2 | False | arttp2 | 2016-03-01 13:56:26 | 2018-04-23 14:09:00 |
About the collision map of PR2 | 1 | False | hannuaa | 2014-03-16 09:24:21 | 2014-03-16 10:12:31 |
"Waiting for the map" when using map_server and rosbag | 1 | False | Tomite | 2019-03-22 15:57:42 | 2019-03-25 16:54:33 |
[Hydro] Error in move_base.launch rviz | 4 | False | Moda | 2014-08-05 07:18:57 | 2014-08-27 08:09:47 |
robot_localization with GPS map frame won't stay fixed | 2 | False | alec_gurman | 2019-04-15 04:43:19 | 2021-02-01 22:02:11 |
Frames and rviz visualization | 1 | False | Chipiron | 2014-08-21 06:14:57 | 2014-08-22 10:53:58 |
slam_toolbox offline slam | 1 | False | MrOCW | 2022-07-01 13:42:58 | 2022-07-01 18:41:29 |
ros rviz cpp implementation available? | 1 | False | pche8701 | 2014-08-27 13:21:59 | 2014-08-27 13:31:24 |
what does MCODE1,2,3 mean in point.csv in autoware | 1 | False | NJUST | 2020-08-15 07:58:58 | 2020-08-17 20:32:43 |
How does navigation stack work without a static map? | 1 | False | hannesjk | 2019-05-10 07:59:52 | 2019-05-10 10:39:50 |
Turtlebot moving circles with map | 1 | False | Baumboon | 2017-10-09 17:17:23 | 2017-10-09 18:17:27 |
ethzasl_icp_mapping error | 1 | False | INSA | 2013-05-17 04:43:12 | 2013-05-21 09:56:23 |
Bad maps produced when using a rotating Lidar by gmapping | 1 | False | Shrijan00 | 2019-06-13 08:47:14 | 2019-06-14 06:12:43 |
How to do OccupancyGrid map compression? | 1 | False | Huibuh | 2014-10-21 09:58:05 | 2016-04-22 06:51:26 |
Can I publish map>-odom tf which can be used by amcl? | 1 | False | sajal | 2019-06-27 16:43:57 | 2019-06-28 02:47:41 |
Can a frame be both parent_id and child_id? | 1 | False | sajal | 2019-06-27 16:46:28 | 2019-06-28 02:05:32 |
Compare Gmapping map with Ground Truth | 1 | False | Zayin | 2013-06-14 14:59:31 | 2013-07-12 10:12:51 |
map_server question | 1 | False | pikaboo | 2014-11-03 00:56:28 | 2014-11-03 01:05:59 |
3D vision with one camera / VSLAM with known position | 1 | False | davinci | 2013-07-05 11:25:55 | 2013-07-06 00:40:38 |
GPS Coordinates to Map Coordinates | 1 | False | ROSCMBOT | 2014-11-25 04:07:43 | 2014-11-27 19:22:20 |
Obstacle insertion in map | 1 | False | arenillas | 2014-11-28 15:41:37 | 2014-12-02 11:33:08 |
How to visualize the laser scan data as a local/global map? | 2 | False | ymag | 2022-01-25 21:45:14 | 2022-01-25 22:34:21 |
Map scaling between Stage and RViz | 1 | False | DKS | 2015-01-07 14:11:57 | 2016-03-13 15:30:37 |
robot_localization | 1 | False | arenillas | 2015-01-14 19:15:49 | 2015-01-27 16:00:19 |
Get (x,y) coordinates of an obstacle from a map | 2 | False | assil | 2015-01-17 11:20:13 | 2017-05-22 06:00:04 |
Extraction of features from rviz map | 1 | False | sam3891 | 2015-01-28 11:16:02 | 2015-01-28 13:50:28 |
erratic_navigation error before costmap | 1 | False | DIDI | 2013-08-06 07:35:37 | 2013-08-07 06:46:34 |
costmap_2d_ros,costmap values problem | 1 | False | babaksn | 2015-03-22 12:36:06 | 2015-03-22 16:45:06 |
rtabmap_ros 3D map PointCloud2 transfer ROS Master_Slave | 1 | False | acp | 2019-11-06 14:27:53 | 2019-11-07 20:15:36 |
About addStaticObservation function ? | 1 | False | assil | 2015-03-26 12:20:05 | 2015-03-28 23:12:52 |
Getting deeper into map (Occupancy Grid) | 1 | False | parzival | 2019-11-09 11:47:02 | 2019-11-09 12:56:32 |
Why my depth map is so bad ? | 2 | False | lilouch | 2015-04-08 02:58:01 | 2015-08-14 09:36:04 |
How could I navigate with a real robot | 2 | False | yosra | 2019-11-29 16:09:14 | 2019-12-02 09:39:00 |
Is there a way to check if a certain coordinate is within the bounds of the map | 1 | False | jonx0880 | 2019-12-05 20:02:58 | 2019-12-05 21:20:02 |
AMCL Localization, Drifts when turning | 3 | False | felixwatzlawik | 2015-05-04 10:03:36 | 2016-09-26 17:04:45 |
Using map for pose estimation | 2 | False | Erwan R. | 2015-05-19 08:41:58 | 2015-05-20 15:31:05 |
Navigation in small arena | 1 | False | Herobone | 2019-12-27 16:11:48 | 2019-12-27 17:10:43 |
path planning without using an already made map | 1 | False | Alireza_m | 2015-05-28 19:19:16 | 2015-05-28 19:42:18 |
Problem with move_base when reaching the goal | 1 | False | zeinab | 2015-06-02 18:37:31 | 2015-06-02 20:37:58 |
how can I edit my own map in gazebo 2.2? | 1 | False | Alvaro Salcedo | 2015-06-09 11:07:34 | 2015-06-10 16:39:37 |
Need help with hector slam tf | 1 | False | psprox96 | 2015-06-25 04:07:31 | 2015-06-26 13:00:50 |
hector map static map | 1 | False | opo | 2017-10-17 20:24:26 | 2017-10-18 17:27:59 |
gmapping : no transform from /map->odom_combined | 2 | False | Albert K | 2013-09-26 08:17:13 | 2013-10-07 08:17:20 |
create a 3D map | 1 | False | TomSon | 2015-08-17 10:09:34 | 2015-08-18 14:18:49 |
Initial pose for robot_localization within a given map | 1 | False | tuandl | 2018-07-23 23:36:11 | 2018-07-24 00:25:47 |
Turtlebot 2 map postition | 1 | False | bad_robotic | 2015-09-11 18:17:45 | 2015-09-17 04:37:47 |
Load map to map_server from MatLab | 1 | False | S.Prieto | 2015-09-14 10:06:13 | 2015-11-13 11:59:03 |
Gazebo world to probabilistic map based on occupancy grid | 1 | False | TurtlebotProject | 2015-09-24 09:54:09 | 2015-09-24 11:38:45 |
How to create map with gmapping | 1 | False | Qt_Yeung | 2015-09-25 08:41:02 | 2015-09-25 09:30:58 |
How to edit a map programmatically? | 1 | False | DesperateCookie | 2020-04-29 11:50:00 | 2020-04-29 12:32:22 |
Robot jumps after the initial estimate with gmapping | 1 | False | AlexandrosNic | 2021-09-13 16:00:58 | 2021-09-14 20:00:59 |
How to use resulting map, odom frame data from ekf filter of robot_localization package | 1 | False | Double X | 2015-12-17 13:22:49 | 2016-02-05 14:54:30 |
How to increase the quality of the map using gmapping and Hokuyo sensor | 1 | False | Alireza_m | 2015-12-19 01:47:15 | 2015-12-20 18:00:08 |
Octomap slows down with increase in map size | 2 | False | raskolnikov_reborn | 2015-12-19 07:48:12 | 2016-04-20 06:31:17 |
Is it possible to navigate and build map at the same time? | 5 | False | Eric_ROS | 2016-01-05 15:44:33 | 2016-01-14 08:38:33 |
What is "Rolling Window" used for? | 1 | False | Eric_ROS | 2016-01-12 02:14:46 | 2016-01-12 13:55:25 |
How to save the map as jpg format | 2 | False | tanghz | 2016-01-12 07:57:41 | 2016-01-12 12:49:13 |
Not able to see 3d map in rviz | 1 | False | ARCHANA | 2016-01-24 19:19:56 | 2016-02-02 08:33:30 |
slam gmapping real time on rviz | 1 | False | learner88 | 2016-01-26 02:56:35 | 2016-02-01 07:27:37 |
Does gmapping resize the map if required? | 1 | False | Alex1209 | 2016-02-16 10:11:55 | 2016-02-16 10:17:22 |
Clear map around the robot | 1 | False | andrefc | 2016-02-16 19:18:43 | 2016-02-25 14:03:47 |
Hi, is there any way to provide hokuyo laser, the data of z axis to create a 3d map without use of imu, motor? | 2 | False | ARCHANA | 2016-02-17 10:50:18 | 2016-02-17 17:33:29 |
Robot doesn't Follow its path and particle cloud spreads out | 1 | False | maciejm | 2016-02-20 20:17:31 | 2016-02-21 15:51:19 |
how to get real-time access to grid data from map generated by gmapping? | 1 | False | edmond320 | 2016-02-22 05:58:50 | 2016-02-22 12:19:29 |
Nearest obstacle in Map | 3 | False | silgon | 2016-02-23 22:13:19 | 2016-03-01 16:54:58 |
[navigation stack] How to Navigate using User-defined path ? | 2 | False | C3MX | 2016-02-24 18:59:05 | 2016-03-28 17:20:35 |
How to change the topic name for publishing occupancy grid using map_server? | 1 | False | Avonic | 2016-02-29 06:38:19 | 2016-02-29 07:15:09 |
TF laser_frame is jump up and down flickering, each time i try to turn the map make a mess | 1 | False | kyozho | 2020-08-12 05:10:31 | 2020-08-12 17:23:29 |
Intermittent map with bag file [closed] | 1 | False | papaclaudia | 2016-03-05 10:34:19 | 2016-03-06 10:35:04 |
What may be causing my map to sometimes rotates 180 degrees during operation? | 1 | False | ChrisL8 | 2020-08-17 01:24:13 | 2020-08-31 14:17:28 |
Multiple static layers | 1 | False | limewalrus | 2020-08-18 16:01:37 | 2020-08-18 19:35:20 |
map saved in orbslam2 | 1 | False | xiqing | 2016-03-28 02:58:11 | 2017-04-09 16:40:26 |
how to builde a map in a real time using orbslam2? | 1 | False | xiqing | 2016-03-28 03:05:46 | 2016-04-19 03:04:51 |
3D mapping with octomap | 1 | False | S.Yildiz | 2019-05-06 08:28:54 | 2019-05-06 19:07:55 |
use data from LASER:can not make a map in rviz | 1 | False | littlestar | 2016-04-15 01:04:02 | 2016-04-19 12:26:39 |
rviz can't find /map | 1 | False | littlestar | 2016-04-19 03:11:26 | 2016-04-19 08:40:37 |
Gmapping tf problem | 1 | False | stijn | 2016-04-28 08:57:56 | 2016-05-04 07:55:27 |
Relations between odom coordinate and map coordinate system when create a map? | 1 | False | Damo | 2016-04-29 05:44:57 | 2016-04-29 06:20:29 |
how to mark the north of map? | 1 | False | ligang | 2016-05-30 09:07:16 | 2016-05-30 13:30:48 |
how to get the ground truth map from ORB_SLAM | 1 | False | xiqing | 2016-05-09 07:51:20 | 2016-05-09 12:22:02 |
navigation with husky on Rviz and Gazebo : robot sliding and odom problem | 1 | False | hb_CEAR | 2014-10-21 14:02:12 | 2014-10-26 14:04:00 |
Add special location in Gmapping maps | 1 | False | assil | 2016-05-27 15:24:51 | 2016-05-27 16:49:14 |
is it possible to add to the gmapping-generated map obstacles using GPS coordinates. Or any other messages expect LaserScan ? | 2 | False | aksel | 2019-05-15 10:44:08 | 2019-05-21 08:11:34 |
Getting hector_SLAM to work with Neato Lidar, tf issues? | 2 | False | ateator | 2016-06-06 19:40:22 | 2016-06-06 21:52:26 |
rtabmap_ros how to set odometry and camera? | 2 | False | JunJun | 2016-06-07 14:52:50 | 2016-06-09 19:13:32 |
How to run and generate a map using cartographer on my own rosbag? | 1 | False | Vignesh_93 | 2020-12-14 22:42:17 | 2021-01-28 16:54:35 |
How to publish transform from odom to base_link? | 1 | False | Arunkumar | 2013-11-29 18:07:13 | 2014-07-07 18:48:14 |
Can I localize with imprecise/noisy sonar sensor? | 1 | False | triantatwo | 2016-06-20 03:38:10 | 2016-06-21 13:35:13 |
Navigation stack | 1 | False | Hugo Sardinha | 2016-06-20 13:24:26 | 2016-06-20 15:00:23 |
seting the initial pose in navigation not using "2D Pose Estimate" tool in rviz | 1 | False | Alireza_m | 2016-07-14 14:54:36 | 2016-07-14 15:47:37 |
Obstacle avoidance with navigation stack without map! | 1 | False | Oper | 2016-07-19 21:42:06 | 2016-07-20 06:08:45 |
Robotino Mapping, Navigation, Obtacle avoidance | 1 | False | rasoo | 2016-07-22 13:29:30 | 2016-07-22 18:35:40 |
ROS Navigation help | 1 | False | silverbullet | 2016-08-18 10:09:15 | 2016-08-19 07:13:34 |
localization is not working properly when robot is rotating | 1 | False | Dharmateja Kadem | 2016-09-20 21:49:52 | 2016-09-26 17:12:02 |
robot_localization Map, Odom, and drift. | 1 | False | Nocare | 2016-10-05 20:39:45 | 2016-10-19 19:06:58 |
Husky perfect localization (Gazebo Positioning System) | 1 | False | alexsb92 | 2016-10-25 23:18:35 | 2016-10-26 12:50:02 |
hector_mapping: No transform between frames /map and /base_link | 1 | False | ydlidar_question | 2019-12-16 15:40:26 | 2019-12-17 14:12:04 |
hector slam (Neato XV-11) map jumping | 2 | False | wt70707 | 2017-01-17 16:43:17 | 2017-01-18 15:32:36 |
Limiting LaserScan range for Map Building | 3 | False | Rayner | 2017-02-20 11:29:00 | 2017-02-24 06:16:19 |
The map in hector_slam blinks. | 1 | False | alex.filgueira | 2014-01-30 05:50:13 | 2014-02-11 04:57:46 |
AMCL - Determining an obstacle from forbidden zone on map | 3 | False | dgrixti | 2017-03-07 11:34:50 | 2017-03-09 17:04:38 |
I am trying to create a yaml file to use a predrawn 2d map in a .pgm format to execute on ROS for navigation. Can someone guide me about the procedure to create this yaml file? | 1 | False | rahul.pillai93 | 2017-03-08 06:50:56 | 2017-03-08 08:14:40 |
Modifying ros navigation map with image editor | 1 | False | dgrixti | 2017-03-20 12:05:32 | 2017-03-21 04:41:46 |
How does SLAM handle a changing environment? | 1 | False | wyfeng2013 | 2021-11-21 00:29:06 | 2021-11-22 13:59:44 |
What do three frames(baselink\odom\map) mean? | 2 | False | DaDaLee | 2017-05-03 08:09:45 | 2017-05-03 12:39:44 |
map_server question | 1 | False | pikaboo | 2014-11-01 06:32:18 | 2014-11-01 12:52:05 |
Does anyone have this map file and launch file for turtlebot? | 1 | False | bad_robotic | 2017-05-08 19:30:44 | 2017-05-09 05:31:26 |
Title | Answers | Answered? | Asker | Created | Updated |
Converting from RGB to depth | 4 | True | caspersky | 2011-02-28 07:50:05 | 2011-03-02 16:25:35 |
Loading a prior map with gmapping | 1 | True | JediHamster | 2011-03-16 12:37:20 | 2011-03-16 14:00:42 |
need topological map online, graph_slam doesn't work | 1 | True | Dimitar Simeonov | 2011-03-29 10:00:31 | 2011-05-18 16:09:21 |
Loading 2D raw data | 1 | True | szokei | 2011-03-31 06:03:45 | 2011-04-01 01:54:15 |
How exactely build walls from gray-scale image? | 1 | True | Kike | 2011-05-31 01:07:25 | 2011-06-06 08:07:18 |
build map dynamically in slam,not using static map | 1 | True | sam | 2011-06-07 01:22:47 | 2011-06-07 09:57:10 |
navigation without map? | 1 | True | sam | 2011-07-05 08:22:43 | 2011-07-05 08:55:50 |
transform base_link to base_laser,map,odom | 1 | True | sam | 2011-07-20 05:02:48 | 2015-02-24 16:37:23 |
rviz menu missing collision map topic | 1 | True | diannay | 2011-07-21 14:55:45 | 2011-07-22 13:20:41 |
Waiting on transform from /base_link to /map? | 2 | True | sam | 2011-07-29 07:43:54 | 2011-07-31 10:31:25 |
gmapping slam map shrunk | 4 | True | davo | 2011-08-25 05:25:20 | 2011-09-04 06:05:02 |
navigation without a map? | 1 | True | gertr | 2011-09-20 08:20:54 | 2011-09-20 10:55:13 |
Visualizing an elevation map in RVIZ | 2 | True | venkat | 2011-10-19 17:51:19 | 2011-10-20 01:22:07 |
Best way to send a goal with move_base that is off the global costmap? | 2 | True | Raptor | 2014-03-21 11:04:51 | 2014-05-14 14:04:13 |
LaserScans not in the Map | 1 | True | David Lu | 2011-12-20 13:16:19 | 2012-02-13 09:54:35 |
How can I change a map while ROS is running? | 2 | True | madmax | 2011-12-21 05:16:16 | 2012-05-13 04:29:29 |
Create a map of a building with kinect only? | 2 | True | Cav | 2012-01-12 06:54:32 | 2012-03-23 08:26:07 |
Why map frame is not continuous? | 1 | True | sam | 2012-02-02 08:27:00 | 2012-02-03 04:53:06 |
RVIZ display 2d probabilistic map | 2 | True | acp | 2012-02-07 03:49:15 | 2012-02-08 07:15:28 |
overlapping occupancy grid maps | 1 | True | fandrade | 2017-11-07 00:04:13 | 2017-11-09 03:07:52 |
Problem with gmapping and rviz: "No map received" & "Fixed frame [map] does not exist" | 1 | True | oswinium | 2014-03-28 10:23:09 | 2014-03-28 11:29:47 |
Subscribing and publishing to the same topic (/map) in a single python ros node | 1 | True | hunterlineage1 | 2022-10-27 19:01:22 | 2022-10-28 23:56:56 |
Is it possible to read data from /map? | 1 | True | JaimeGJ | 2018-04-06 10:12:19 | 2018-04-08 13:19:57 |
Turtlebot Autonomous Navigation | 1 | True | jwbary90 | 2012-02-16 15:43:12 | 2012-02-17 04:18:50 |
transform from /base_link to /map | 2 | True | Cav | 2012-02-22 09:19:11 | 2012-02-23 05:39:32 |
Why odom frame will move away from map frame? | 0 | False | sam | 2012-03-16 08:22:54 | 2012-03-16 08:22:54 |
Typical Methods of Building Large 3D Maps? | 2 | True | Yo | 2012-03-22 11:28:26 | 2012-03-26 07:32:20 |
How to save result file of Gmapping? (through rviz) | 3 | True | JamesJeong | 2012-04-01 00:53:24 | 2012-05-16 16:13:22 |
map message | 1 | True | apalomer | 2012-05-04 06:37:11 | 2012-05-04 06:43:37 |
map resolution issue between explore and pr2_2dnav_slam | 1 | True | Erwan R. | 2012-05-09 05:10:23 | 2012-05-15 01:54:04 |
pgm resolution problem | 1 | True | Ico | 2014-05-16 13:38:00 | 2014-05-16 13:49:39 |
Help with Navigation - Error "transform from /base_link to /map" | 5 | True | DavidPortugal | 2012-06-06 13:44:01 | 2012-06-11 12:15:50 |
Are there any interesting pgm map files available for simulation? | 2 | True | ceverett | 2012-07-02 23:35:27 | 2017-01-27 19:14:57 |
How to get costmap_2d to build on top of cartographer's /map? | 2 | True | asabet | 2018-08-09 01:56:41 | 2020-04-18 06:18:46 |
Navigation - how to use my own Local and Global costmaps? | 2 | True | Myzhar | 2018-08-09 08:13:15 | 2018-08-16 12:50:34 |
Get OutOfMemoryError when using OccupancyGridLayer to display map | 2 | True | ira | 2012-07-09 15:02:52 | 2012-07-12 02:15:51 |
Create a map building with kinect | 1 | True | hahaha | 2012-07-16 10:47:48 | 2012-07-16 11:46:27 |
NO MAP DATA | 1 | True | rzv0004 | 2012-07-18 10:07:53 | 2012-07-18 10:18:44 |
build map with kinect | 0 | False | hahaha | 2012-07-19 09:46:14 | 2012-07-19 10:05:17 |
Coordinate frame transforms: /odom to /map? | 2 | True | skiesel | 2012-08-17 12:23:54 | 2012-08-24 02:47:31 |
semantic map input | 1 | True | Astronaut | 2012-08-19 21:24:22 | 2012-08-20 00:00:06 |
Doing several things at the same time in Rviz | 1 | True | Brioche | 2012-09-20 01:05:57 | 2012-09-20 03:26:30 |
Frame's definition (/odom and /map) | 1 | True | moyashi | 2012-09-26 01:38:06 | 2012-09-26 04:33:11 |
hector_slam: how to load a saved map (and perform localization) | 5 | True | randaz | 2012-11-05 09:38:36 | 2018-09-26 14:21:44 |
How can I add a floorplan image in rviz? | 3 | True | georgebrindeiro | 2012-11-16 15:04:58 | 2016-10-11 16:04:50 |
likelihood field of map | 1 | True | moyashi | 2012-12-05 18:13:17 | 2012-12-07 18:35:12 |
Navigation using real time generate map without a known map | 2 | True | snakehaihai | 2012-12-06 07:13:33 | 2013-01-16 03:39:57 |
How can I update the segments endpoints in the SLAM problem outside the EKF filter | 0 | False | MiguelRobPinto | 2012-03-22 15:51:04 | 2012-03-22 15:51:04 |
map for footstep_planner | 1 | True | JaRu | 2012-12-18 10:07:10 | 2012-12-19 04:24:00 |
Poor quality maps produced from odometry based slam algorithms tested in real TurtleBot | 1 | True | VagZikopis | 2019-01-25 11:37:36 | 2019-04-05 11:35:23 |
Load a map in map_server | 1 | True | camilla | 2013-01-16 04:59:55 | 2013-01-16 08:52:16 |
P2os navigation stack | 1 | True | camilla | 2013-01-17 05:04:17 | 2013-01-21 09:27:34 |
Full coverage path planner | 2 | True | Moda | 2014-07-09 14:24:51 | 2016-02-15 17:02:03 |
set unknown_cost_value in costmap | 2 | True | Prima89 | 2014-11-25 16:18:33 | 2014-11-25 17:01:12 |
map server problems | 2 | True | Astronaut | 2013-03-03 18:19:27 | 2013-04-11 13:26:02 |
problem publishing tf map->base_link | 1 | True | Markus Bader | 2014-07-28 13:17:28 | 2014-07-28 13:39:51 |
ROS2 plan a trajectory without mapping (without lidar) | 2 | True | Bastian2909 | 2022-05-17 09:19:16 | 2022-05-18 08:16:05 |
any good param to build my map? | 1 | True | haider | 2014-08-07 10:39:40 | 2014-08-07 13:29:31 |
Gmapping - just the last scan mapped | 3 | True | anamcarvalho | 2014-08-21 15:48:18 | 2014-08-28 11:34:16 |
Creating an RVIZ plugin to add semantic information to a map | 1 | True | jorge | 2014-08-23 19:07:59 | 2014-08-23 19:41:30 |
Depth map from a stereo camera | 1 | True | INSA | 2013-04-07 06:57:21 | 2013-04-09 15:29:24 |
What is the best way to produce map from bag on a raspberry PI3 ? | 2 | True | CdyTritor | 2019-05-01 20:02:47 | 2019-05-02 21:40:11 |
How to represent the map (the search space) for rospy. | 0 | False | amine23 | 2013-04-09 14:19:59 | 2013-04-10 09:16:54 |
Hokuyo - No map received in RViz | 2 | True | anamcarvalho | 2014-08-28 20:17:46 | 2014-09-04 07:07:25 |
merged map flickers on Rviz | 1 | True | davidem | 2019-11-18 17:51:34 | 2019-11-18 20:16:01 |
Test Environment Maps for Robot Navigation | 1 | True | ROSCMBOT | 2014-09-13 04:15:17 | 2014-09-13 21:09:29 |
Are there any prebuilt Gazebo Hospital World ready for use? | 0 | False | boluknursena | 2019-05-23 14:10:08 | 2019-05-23 14:10:08 |
Waiting on transform from /base_footprint to /map to become available before running costmap, tf error: | 2 | True | Aarif | 2014-10-16 20:26:11 | 2014-12-21 16:53:25 |
pcl for laser sensor | 2 | True | aniket | 2014-10-21 18:00:56 | 2014-10-22 08:59:31 |
how can i use sonar with hector_mapping package (laser and IMU) to draw map? | 1 | True | Mohsen Hk | 2013-06-09 06:44:05 | 2021-01-15 21:04:53 |
How mapping using HOKUYO LIDAR (URG-04LX) and hector_slam? | 2 | True | MAXIMOS | 2013-06-10 05:52:11 | 2013-06-16 23:28:00 |
Complete coverage path planner | 2 | True | danielq | 2013-06-27 14:41:58 | 2016-02-15 17:02:50 |
Kinect with arm_navigation | 2 | True | Jake | 2011-08-16 09:02:15 | 2011-08-18 15:29:47 |
Drawing poses in a coordinate system in rviz | 2 | True | Oier | 2013-07-03 09:03:24 | 2013-07-08 12:37:22 |
Which is each frame? | 1 | True | arenillas | 2014-12-16 16:40:27 | 2014-12-17 14:56:10 |
Is it possible to use a pre-built map ? | 3 | True | Bacab | 2015-01-08 11:23:52 | 2015-01-12 10:04:30 |
Configuring the layered costmap | 0 | True | NiranjanDeshpande | 2015-01-12 18:43:45 | 2015-01-12 18:43:45 |
Generate map with underwater sonar data | 1 | True | Josch | 2013-07-30 04:22:43 | 2013-07-30 09:58:52 |
How to update map to odom with corrections from SLAM ? | 1 | False | ajain | 2015-01-20 00:51:14 | 2015-05-29 18:30:06 |
RGBDSLAM map recording | 1 | True | BenMa | 2013-08-02 04:16:09 | 2013-08-12 11:25:41 |
I am writing data of turtlebot movement, and I want to write a paper. How can I get the data? | 1 | True | saito | 2019-01-09 06:39:17 | 2019-01-09 07:54:34 |
Robot coordinates in map | 1 | True | RND | 2015-03-21 09:40:27 | 2015-03-21 12:37:31 |
local cost map not updated | 1 | True | dreamcase | 2014-08-14 08:55:24 | 2014-08-14 14:19:35 |
How to obtain depth map from stereo camera ? | 2 | True | lilouch | 2015-04-06 01:04:04 | 2015-04-15 05:31:16 |
Nav2d call getmap service failed | 2 | True | Furane | 2015-04-10 15:05:59 | 2015-04-15 12:21:19 |
Creating a map with Lidar on Neato without control | 2 | True | FlashErase | 2013-09-03 09:31:31 | 2013-09-12 06:47:24 |
uv coordinates to world map coordinates | 1 | True | simejanko | 2015-04-19 15:06:36 | 2015-04-20 14:25:26 |
How to use a ready map (floor plan) for the navigation stack without executing the gmapping? | 2 | True | angelos.p | 2017-11-03 10:40:51 | 2022-09-30 11:57:11 |
Octomap noise | 0 | False | MrRobius | 2019-12-12 22:19:07 | 2019-12-12 22:19:07 |
2D map from Octomap | 3 | True | jwrobbo | 2012-02-12 01:58:15 | 2012-03-26 11:53:42 |
map_server error when loading map | 1 | True | sealguy77 | 2015-06-11 22:29:35 | 2015-06-12 01:42:19 |
How to create a map? | 3 | True | FuerteNewbie | 2013-09-26 00:59:05 | 2013-10-17 21:14:14 |
How to Label an object in /map | 2 | True | ctguell | 2013-09-26 14:25:45 | 2013-10-01 15:33:27 |
Displaying Big Maps in RViz | 1 | True | David Lu | 2015-10-21 15:25:44 | 2017-07-06 20:34:20 |
how to get a 2D map using octomap | 4 | True | Chong | 2012-06-18 15:05:51 | 2012-06-18 22:57:42 |
The goal sent to the navfn planner is off the global costmap. How to send a goal more than 10 meters away from the robot? | 0 | True | Raptor | 2013-10-11 12:37:29 | 2013-10-21 10:18:33 |
Pointcloud is only being published playing a certain bagfile | 1 | True | sven-hoek | 2015-12-04 14:32:56 | 2015-12-12 01:07:20 |
Processing pointcloud2 using ros node with both publisher and subscriber | 1 | True | hunterlineage1 | 2022-10-27 20:55:36 | 2022-10-28 04:55:29 |
Definitions of map and tf using turtlebot3 | 2 | True | dapt | 2020-07-15 13:44:13 | 2020-10-30 14:13:58 |
Is it possible to use robot_localization for multiple robots? | 4 | True | nbeyers | 2016-02-11 01:01:20 | 2017-04-21 17:28:13 |
2D Pose estimate | 2 | True | Sietse | 2016-02-23 09:28:38 | 2016-02-29 15:06:13 |
help with simple /map publisher that will not publish - python | 2 | True | david.c.liebman | 2014-02-01 15:41:19 | 2020-04-24 13:01:02 |
Map not received when using nav2d with gazebo | 2 | True | pgigioli | 2016-03-20 18:50:06 | 2019-07-12 12:05:54 |
Change occupancy grid axis | 1 | True | mirella melo | 2020-09-13 20:09:11 | 2020-09-16 01:20:16 |
Serialize map in Ros2 | 1 | True | pfedom | 2020-09-28 14:40:25 | 2020-12-21 06:27:11 |
The move_base isn't subscribing to /robot1/map | 1 | True | Orhangazi44 | 2016-05-18 16:01:37 | 2016-06-09 10:06:00 |
error while building 2d map | 1 | True | ghaith | 2016-06-18 16:54:49 | 2016-06-22 15:33:09 |
what map.info.origin.orientation is for? | 2 | True | AbuIbra | 2014-01-23 08:47:50 | 2014-01-23 09:50:20 |
Robot Coverage Path Planning | 1 | True | RoSPlebb | 2016-07-11 19:40:07 | 2016-07-11 19:53:01 |
Get the cell at the given point | 0 | False | zzzdeb | 2016-08-09 11:53:51 | 2016-08-09 11:53:51 |
Is it possible to change color scheme for rviz map display? | 1 | True | murad | 2018-01-25 02:18:40 | 2018-01-25 07:17:56 |
How can I change the map size and the origin? | 2 | True | Gerald | 2013-12-20 08:28:17 | 2013-12-20 19:48:23 |
Localization issue using gmapping and odom data. | 3 | True | dneuhold | 2014-01-09 08:32:08 | 2014-01-20 03:24:48 |
Autoware.Auto best way to create a PCD map | 2 | True | sisaha9 | 2021-05-20 04:11:08 | 2021-08-16 18:19:57 |
How to use gmapping to build a map? | 2 | True | Yuliang Sun | 2014-01-13 14:30:44 | 2014-01-16 09:34:56 |
Creating 3D grid map for amcl | 1 | True | FuerteNewbie | 2014-01-26 22:38:05 | 2014-01-29 10:45:48 |
Resolution problem at SBPL Lattice planner | 1 | True | Ico | 2014-05-16 10:15:37 | 2014-05-16 11:12:48 |